Not yet but given that you can't see it it wouldn't help a ton.![]()
I currently run:
Swords 100
lumberjack 100 (you don't get PvM or PvP advantages over 100 - only choppin tree adv.)
tactics 100
healing 100
anatomy 80
resist 100
Hiding 100
Magery 40
I use magery for quick cures (so I don't consume so many pots), for magic reflect (make use of spell scrolls), mini heals when fighting PK's sometimes - helps get you through that initial dump.. I really enjoy the playstyle joust, and then hide if you've taken too much damage to break aggro, and get healed up.
I've heard it said that war hammer is on par with 2-hand axe damage - just more variable, so I'm debating switching to it to get another 100 points back (could put into alchemy and really screw with PK's). I still need to test that damage theory though.
With jousting, I like the big damage ticks of teh axe, so i'm hesitant to give up the LJ - however I've recently learned that it doesn't give a 40% buff on damage, that it does something in conjunction of making regular axes act like vanqs or something of the sort - so now I'm rechecking damage values as I'd really like to pick up 100 magery, or perhaps alchemy.
With the reflect, I hadn't tested, but I was originally told that you could reflect 1 ebolt with 40 magery, from the sounds of what you are saying that's no longer the case - I had assumed like a lot of skills there was a min that it could reflect - but perhaps not.. regardless I still like it for cures / mini heals, with 40 magery not taking many skill points, and 80 anatomy only being a 4% decrease in damage for teh anatomy modifer, and about 1-4 Hp on healing, I figured it was a fair trade.
Also... my problem with magery is, how can you cast anything with 25 int? I wouldn't sacrifice dex as a dexxer nor the hp from str. This concerns me the most.
I'm 100 str, 90 dex, 35 int - the reality is as a zerker, with LJ, going for the big damage, you aren't looking to maximize your swing timer by standing close to the mob, your jousting in and out - the chances are you aren't making the most out of your dex. With that said, there's many reasons to go 100 dex - like faster bandages.. I'm a mage at heart, i'm still challenged playing a dexxer at all - so i really value the 40 magery on this char.
On the Skills Page:
I raised Tailoring to 120 (I could get the scrolls cheap) in order to make that move to 720 total skills.
- Lumberjacking: Used to chop wood from trees. Higher skill levels allow special woods to be cut down. The wood is used as resource in Carpentry, Tinkering and Bowcraft. Also adds 40% damage to Swordsmanship users who wield Axes. Maximum skill: 100 base, up to 120 with Power Scrolls to increase chance of chopping special woods but not increase damage.
whats ur template on that..and im assuming its berserker?@AreYouKidden 40 Magery with the new reflect scaling gives you only 3 circle to reflect.
I run 100 Magery and 20 Med on a Katana swordsman with leather slayer armor. I like to have the full 11 stat increase and 8 circle reflect.![]()
well tbh i couldnt do without right now. it saves on carrying pots and makes recalling around so easy. i hate using my mage to gate me around. im not sure maybe later it could be dropped but alnost all of my chara have some kind of magery. i use it too muchHmmm, I'm running 100 Swords Lumberjacking Tac Anat Heal Resist Hiding.
Making me think magery would be good though....