Fix Explosion Pots

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Didn't read this thread, but manual PvP always triumphs over scripted PvP in UO. Spend more time getting better, and winning, rather than bitching on the forums.

Kith kannen

don't really know you D Roberts but props to you for not joining In the d baggery currently going on with the stealing script and putting it out there for the Devs to fix...the sooner the better.


Which explains why you have already threatened to quit the server if you couldn't play with Steam.. lmao.. too funny.

and if you haven't read this thread, then you have no idea what you're commenting on.. and yet.. you're responding.

Hey, guy, I have never actually played the server. All of my time playing UO, I've used Sallos or Razor.

Thanks for making shit up, though, its quite cute.
Not sure what can be done about script stealing. You can steal by type, hue, name, etc. However if your goal is just to reduce the effectiveness of the scripts down to that of a manual legit player, then why not try adding a 1-2 second skill cooldown after snooping. That way they cant auto steal as you run by, nor script-snoop through all of your bags instantly to find the good items.

Drake Roberts

Hey, guy, I have never actually played the server. All of my time playing UO, I've used Sallos or Razor.

Thanks for making shit up, though, its quite cute.

I confused you with Rarae. My mistake. If you don't play here.. and never have... wtf? r u doing here..



Drake Roberts

Not sure what can be done about script stealing. You can steal by type, hue, name, etc. However if your goal is just to reduce the effectiveness of the scripts down to that of a manual legit player, then why not try adding a 1-2 second skill cooldown after snooping. That way they cant auto steal as you run by, nor script-snoop through all of your bags instantly to find the good items.

Because that would still devastatingly nerf the manual legit player.. Manual legit players can still accomplish quite a bit.. I used to dominate champ spawns with my thief using only razor.. Individual macros for last object, set last target, last target, and queue steal.. A change like the one you suggested would completely gut thieves all together.

Drake Roberts

Feel free to point out where you are getting all this from. Here is the thread:

From what I see, its pretty obvious there and here that you are posting on topics you know nothing about --

You said you still need to snoop to steal any thing using steam. You do need the snooping skill, but the script does all the snooping and stealing for you instantly.. and if it doesn't find what it is looking for in the main pack, it proceeds to snoop every other pouch the person has in their pack and then proceeds to steal, AUTOMATICALLY, anything that it finds that matches up with your preset item types to go after.

You have, on several occasions, argued that razor is on par and just as capable of the same things that steam does. You are wrong. Razor can not do a fraction of the shit that is done in these easy uo jr. uo steam auto steal scripts. The GM's have seen the steam script for themselves and have busted people using it AFK, to automatically steal PS's..

Super Trammie

Quite frankly I don't really have a problem with "shitty" PvP'ers using automated programs to compete. It brings more life to a stagnant, 17 year old game. The more people being able to PvP, the better. And as most of the PvP'ers in this thread have said, manual timings will always be better than any of these scripts.

Do you really think these people would be PvP'ing if they were dead half the time? No. You'd have the same 15 people to PvP with, you'd be bored as shit after two weeks and go find somewhere else to play.

Banning steam is definitely not the answer. It'll just hurt the overall population, PvP or otherwise. This coming from a Razor user...


You said you still need to snoop to steal any thing using steam. You do need the snooping skill, but the script does all the snooping and stealing for you instantly.. and if it doesn't find what it is looking for in the main pack, it proceeds to snoop every other pouch the person has in their pack and then proceeds to steal, AUTOMATICALLY, anything that it finds that matches up with your preset item types to go after.
Here is the post that I made on that thread for you to re-read.

I was told that with steam you basically don't even need the snooping skill if you know what you are wanting to go after (garlic, pearl, bandages, powerscrolls, etc).. and that is when I decided to stop being as active...
Actually that is all wrong. You must still snoop to steal any of that. The only exception is if it is a weapon that you target while it is in their hand (before you disarm em) -- that can be done is razor also though.

So you quit because of a myth you "heard"? Sorry to hear that.

You have, on several occasions, argued that razor is on par and just as capable of the same things that steam does. You are wrong. Razor can not do a fraction of the shit that is done in these easy uo jr. uo steam auto steal scripts.
Sounds just like the story you told about Darkarna's thread regarding me...

You have, on several occasions, argued that razor is on par and just as capable of the same things that steam does. You are wrong. Razor can not do a fraction of the shit that is done in these easy uo jr. uo steam auto steal scripts. The GM's have seen the steam script for themselves and have busted people using it AFK, to automatically steal PS's..
Yes, we all saw the post by Adam earlier today when he fooled a player that he suspected of running an AFK stealing macro. A person can also create a AFK resource gathering macro -- should we ban the program because of this too? No, those situations (like this) when against the rules need to be enforced by the rule makers. The case Adam reported earlier today about is a perfect example -- a player was reported, the GM verified and took action -- the end.

Drake Roberts

Yes, we all saw the post by Adam earlier today when he fooled a player that he suspected of running an AFK stealing macro. A person can also create a AFK resource gathering macro -- should we ban the program because of this too? No, those situations (like this) when against the rules need to be enforced by the rule makers. The case Adam reported earlier today about is a perfect example -- a player was reported, the GM verified and took action -- the end.

Actually it isn't the end. The script is still out there. It is still being used. If it were "The end", then Shane wouldn't have said:
Shane said:
We are currently addressing this huge abuse with Stealing as a whole.

I'm sorry, hitting 1 button that automatically opens packs, inside packs/containers, steals, and targets based on the most valuable item in those packs all in 1 second is not playing the game- That is scripting.

We will be fixing this ASAP.

What this script shows, is that steam is capable of being used in a manner almost identical to easy uo. That is a problem... and not just in regards to stealing.. but with everything.. The sophisticated scripts that uosteam is capable of is way beyond Razor.. It is easy uo jr.

So I guess "the end" will be once this is fixed ASAP and you no longer have your crutch, and your gimp ass is on the floor wishing you had Life Call so they could send someone to help pick you up.

Drake Roberts

Banning steam is definitely not the answer. It'll just hurt the overall population, PvP or otherwise. This coming from a Razor user...
Believe it or not.. I have said the same thing in recent discussions with staff.. I know that banning steam all together will most likely drive people away.. and nobody wants that.., but at the same time.. The shit people are doing with steam is completely out of control.. Something has to be done, otherwise it will become an issue that drives people away anyways.. The same way that people using wall hacks and aimbots ruin a server and cause legit players to no longer play there.


I'm just gonna throw this out there but no server I have complained on has ever complained about steam.. Until I came here I know a lot of players from uoforever would never come here to play because steam was banned, I was one of those players. A lot of them still don't know I bet that steam is allowed now.

I for one probably wouldn't have come to play here because of sallos on uoforever is just sooo much better than any client I have ever played but no use if I can't kill anyone with it...

I know I kinda got off topic but let's just enjoy the last few years we have of UO, a lot of the complaining really does come from gossip I bet a lot of players don't even use the scripts.

Just some dude spreading wild fire.


The part that is being missed in the big picture is that EasyUO is not allowed because it's capabilities are endless, and there is and never will be an option to "negotiate features"... that's why there will NEVER be a need to BAN Steam or Razor....

Drake Roberts

I know I kinda got off topic but let's just enjoy the last few years we have of UO, a lot of the complaining really does come from gossip I bet a lot of players don't even use the scripts.

Just some dude spreading wild fire.

Yeah.. I guess this 67 line script just popped out of thin air.. The thieves afk script stealing PS's who were busted by Adam using it was just a fluke.. People probably just write those scripts to practice their scripting.. I am sure players aren't even really using them. People who use steam and claim Razor has all the same functions and capabilities really just prefer using steam because of it's beautiful interface... Not because of the 1 button scripts that Steam is capable of.

A lot of the threats of quitting the server I bet are just coming from drama queens.. Just some gimp who needs a crutch and cries "I'm taking my ball and going home" if you take away uosteam.


If you feel you can't go on if they take away your crutches, get Life Call.

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Wanna hear something funny?

Pots are not really as hard to throw as you think it is or scrubs make it out to be. I bet it takes 5 minutes max to learn how to time those, so it's no wonder why people are able to have a constant stream of those flying around. Seriously though, all you gotta do is:

- Use an explopot
- Wait a bit
- Throw it at your target


Quit crying and learn to play.
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