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  • Oi nerd u watching the new plebs ?
    K A Z
    K A Z
    nop, didnt even know they were out man.. gonna watch one naow !
    oh hi got my blaze bandana scammer? llololololol
    Hi peav give me ur banadana for sec. k. brb 3months. lololololol
    K A Z
    K A Z
    dude u sure u gave it to me? im so fucking certain that i stole mine off william (and sold it LOL)

    fucking noob wtf do u expect anyways mr ifuckoffallthetime?
    yeh im sure but fuck it i don't care about it just make lol's about it. :)
    Hi Kaz, what's your ping to this server from germany? And are you able to reliably pvp versus equally or almost equally skilled people in the US who have maybe 20-50 ping? PM me if you like, thanks
    I like can i PM you?
    I like your momma, can I pm her?
    "Games nowadays are only designed for "Trammy newbs" lmfao get out into the real world, you're starting to live in your Ultima shard too much.

    You're a dying breed, embrace it, closing threads changes nothing
    • Like
    Reactions: 1 person
    K A Z
    K A Z
    people will usually PK at high frequent spots and wherever they can rob the most gold. Going to Shame lvl 4/5 and Deceit 3/4/5 as a newbie aswell as Despise 2 and Covetous 3 / Fire Dungeon is a bad idea. As a youngling I'd suggest hitting up Graveyards and Covetous 1+2. Also make sure to announce PK appearances on IRC! ;-)
    Managed to escape you as Griefaholic outside Vesper the other day, think you had Rangbang with you.. Thank F for trapped pouches eh :D
    K A Z
    K A Z
    haha nice, dude! so good to see that you stuck with UOF even tho u had some trouble at the beginning! :)
    man, im a new player here on forever, i come from venus where pvp its the top and im one of best players pk there...now i usually i join with best fraggher because i hate losing...i read u are one of best players for pvp

    i want learn as become really strong, tamplate difense/offense actions etc...obviously i want fight vs you for pratic and more

    let me know
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