

You have already been beaten and just want to recall in range in the last 2-5 secs and still get a reward and instantly recall out. so basicly you lost but feel you still deserve a reward?

Most of the time the invading force has a fraction of the pvmers numbers and 0 pets. draggin the boss to an area you can better defend while you deal with the butt hurt nerds who have already lost try to grab free scrolls by recalling in and hiding.
I quite frankly don't understand. Luring the champ increases the odds of that happening if the location of the champ is known. In that case it's to your advantage to kill the champ in the zone as close to center as possible to reduce the odds of that happening. Defend the side of the champ closest to recall spots and use that side to recall after the boss is dead.

What you are counting on by luring the champ is for people to not know where the boss has been lured to so that they cannot possibly get within range by anything but dumb luck.

Counting on someone to not understand the unintended nuances of certain champs so that you may take advantage of it is unhealthy behavior. Some would say it borders on exploitation. I think that's going too far in this case, but the rules need to be addressed in one way or another. They all need to behave the same way. Not just Barracoon and Oaks. Neira never makes it very far but can be kited. Mephitis can be kited anywhere in Tera Keep which is kinda stupid. Balron Nest seems to be the destination of choice but sometimes the rope bridge swamp can be used as a bottleneck. I've seen $ lure Meph all the way down to the little island in the middle of the ophidian spawn. Semidar can be lured down to the entrance of the temple itself, the bottleneck gives those luring an advantage. Rikktor can be lured anywhere in Destard 1. It's goofy.

What about the dungeon bosses with static locations? Do Akor, the Warlock, and Soul Devourer all rubber-band?

The bosses you spawn with crystals wouldn't be like that obviously since they spawn at random. The Warden and Arch Daemon aren't going anywhere.


I quite frankly don't understand. Luring the champ increases the odds of that happening if the location of the champ is known. In that case it's to your advantage to kill the champ in the zone as close to center as possible to reduce the odds of that happening. Defend the side of the champ closest to recall spots and use that side to recall after the boss is dead.

What you are counting on by luring the champ is for people to not know where the boss has been lured to so that they cannot possibly get within range by anything but dumb luck.

Counting on someone to not understand the unintended nuances of certain champs so that you may take advantage of it is unhealthy behavior. Some would say it borders on exploitation. I think that's going too far in this case, but the rules need to be addressed in one way or another. They all need to behave the same way. Not just Barracoon and Oaks. Neira never makes it very far but can be kited. Mephitis can be kited anywhere in Tera Keep which is kinda stupid. Balron Nest seems to be the destination of choice but sometimes the rope bridge swamp can be used as a bottleneck. I've seen $ lure Meph all the way down to the little island in the middle of the ophidian spawn. Semidar can be lured down to the entrance of the temple itself, the bottleneck gives those luring an advantage. Rikktor can be lured anywhere in Destard 1. It's goofy.

What about the dungeon bosses with static locations? Do Akor, the Warlock, and Soul Devourer all rubber-band?

The bosses you spawn with crystals wouldn't be like that obviously since they spawn at random. The Warden and Arch Daemon aren't going anywhere.

thats cos you assume we drag it so you cant find it when infact 99% of time you know exactly where it is gonna be taken its just taken to a more defensive area where we can lock down a large chunk of the area you can recall into, and people have to come down 1 path to get at the champ. Take memphitis for example if you keep it anywhere in the main area people can recall/hide into either of the 4 sides and stay undetected grab a reward and recall but if we drag it to the bally nest there is only 2 sides where people can recall into and 1 guy with tracking can quickly find and remove them + anyone trying to fight back ( doesnt happen anyway) have to run down the a 1 tile passage.

Its tactics not exploiting. a way a 4-5 man guild can take champs from a 20 man tamerfest.

Champs already favor the pvmers and have way bigger issue than the champ being walked 3 screens away. abyss for example has how many ankhs in the reward area? ( i dont see you crying exploit when you all sit at one of the anhk's as a ghost and res just as the boss is about to die....)
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Karl Sagan

I still don't get where the trammel thing is coming from, not like you wouldn't be able to pk still? No reds in a champ zone would be trammel, this puts more pks in a champ zone, and @Fattson we only recall out when reds drag the whole champ on us and we're on foot with tamers, normally we try and fight

'trammel' IMO is when the devs respond to player driven complaints with game changes instead of pushing player driven solutions

it's like taking the sand out of the sandbox and all we are left to play with is the old cat turds and dead worms


Yes the chokepoint thing is pretty obvious. But just because some of us know or have a good guess doesn't mean everyone knows. It's definitely an added bonus.

The ankhs are stupid. Wouldn't call using them to res even close to an exploit or even cheap it only takes one $ or EQMS member with a half a brain to lock one of those down.

Those were put where they are pretty deliberately though. I'm not sure luring is intended. That viewpoint is inconsistent with the changes that have been to champs throughout the years.

Above all there needs to be an official statement and some consistency in implementation.


But just because some of us know or have a good guess doesn't mean everyone knows.

Then learn . I mean noobs dont know that people use trapped pouch to break paralize it doesnt make it an exploit. Its for people to learn the game not for staff to make it idiot proof this is what makes UO so great and why mmo's these days suck donkey ****.


Then learn . I mean noobs dont know that people use trapped pouch to break paralize it doesnt make it an exploit. Its for people to learn the game not for staff to make it idiot proof this is what makes UO so great and why mmo's these days suck donkey ****.
That analogy would work if there were 5 other spells that could freeze your movement but trapped pouches only worked for a couple of them. And they didn't even work initially and had to be made to do so because paralyze without pouches were deemed to be too OP.

But I mean, it's whatever. You can't even address the one point I'm really making. Nobody can because it's inarguable. Champs should probably all work the same and since changes were made to Trammelize certain champs then I guess we must just be expecting more Trammel then, yes? Because consistency and shit.

Trammel. Trammel for all. Because fuck it.


That analogy would work if there were 5 other spells that could freeze your movement but trapped pouches only worked for a couple of them. And they didn't even work initially and had to be made to do so because paralyze without pouches were deemed to be too OP.

But I mean, it's whatever. You can't even address the one point I'm really making. Nobody can because it's inarguable. Champs should probably all work the same and since changes were made to Trammelize certain champs then I guess we must just be expecting more Trammel then, yes? Because consistency and shit.

Trammel. Trammel for all. Because fuck it.

your right no champs except mayb oaks should bounce back at all and you can see that by the way coon is abused what happens if you start to wipe? oh you bounce the boss back to the centre.


It kind of seems like everyone complaining about the issues with the "trammy" parts on the game kind of have forgotten or just don't know what this game actually started as. Macros? A trammy fix to the difficulty of playing without. Customized housing? Trammy way to add more content to the game. Ethy mounts? Self explainable. Thats just a few simple examples. Everyone who is complaining about trammy this, trammy that partakes in these things. The real uo is loooonng dead.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


Also, if you've ever played with the "non-trammie" champ damage/luring system for a long time (like on osi) you'd know it actually KILLS champ pvp, it just serves to make a small group of players insanely rich. Really good way to bum out 95% of your player base

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G730A using Tapatalk


lol. multiple ankhs at every champ, yet you're cry about luring a champ.

kill the reds. yall suck.


You have already been beaten and just want to recall in range in the last 2-5 secs and still get a reward and instantly recall out. so basicly you lost but feel you still deserve a reward?

Most of the time the invading force has a fraction of the pvmers numbers and 0 pets. draggin the boss to an area you can better defend while you deal with the butt hurt nerds who have already lost try to grab free scrolls by recalling in and hiding.

I really don't have an opinion on this subject but I laughed at this response. You ever been raided by eqms ? "A fraction of the pvmers" is hardly the words I would choose to describe being raided by eqms. Secondly, most tamers are defenseless. No resist no eval, one dump dead. It's not hard to take out bard tamers. I certainly don't fight with mine. I die everytime. You think all guard saves me? I've been PK'd on my bard tamer a ton of times. Only ONCE did all guard ever save me.


Yes the chokepoint thing is pretty obvious. But just because some of us know or have a good guess doesn't mean everyone knows. It's definitely an added bonus.

The ankhs are stupid. Wouldn't call using them to res even close to an exploit or even cheap it only takes one $ or EQMS member with a half a brain to lock one of those down.

Those were put where they are pretty deliberately though. I'm not sure luring is intended. That viewpoint is inconsistent with the changes that have been to champs throughout the years.

Above all there needs to be an official statement and some consistency in implementation.

You would need at least 3 $ members to amount to half a brain :p

Silly Santa

Except we have already killed you all and dragged the champ? you are dead, the champ is pulled, now we want to kill the champ before you return with 25 lvl 7 metas and kill the champ before we can kill you all again......

Lol i find it funny that you have such a strong opinion on this matter, yet POWER hardly raids spawns anymore.


Lol i find it funny that you have such a strong opinion on this matter, yet POWER hardly raids spawns anymore.

yet when we do we take the lot with 4 people? just cos i dont do something atm doesnt been im gona shut up and let you destroy it.
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sincerly I think here the Champion feature is perfect, if you are a good player you have the possibility to drop in every "random player" Champ ending with 10th/14th/18th position.
But at the same time if you have a great guild you can get all the PS killing all the player.

I think all the player must be happy of that balance, obviously if a guild of 10 coordinated player "steal" the Boss you can't cry, it's UO not Tomb Raider.
