ANYONE else tired of gluttony saying anyone can do it....

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Tard the Paladin

Well vto be fair @Tard the Paladin you are certainly not the only person to use such rhetoric. But the toxic attitudes in general I feel do not help the case of your guild. You guys are in the limelight, you have achieved what I feel has been Gluttony's end goal by dominating the shard and feeding his ego with his opponents defeat and subsequent leaving of the shard. I myself never left because of being defeated on the field, but by the toxic attitude in game and forum zerging from eqms.

Perhaps now would be a good time to evaluate guild etiquette and answer the true question, is Gluttony's end goad of having his ego fed and his video game enemies defeated and disheartened, what is utlimately best for the eqms guild? Turning fruitful videogame experiences into a charred wasteland. If this is the end goal of everybody then have at it, seems to be on track. Otherwise perhaps hold yourselves to a higher standard, at least when it comes to attitudes when interacting with the rest of the shard.

Nah, the one thing that EQMS wants is big battles. However, PvP isn't incentivized so no one wants to faction. That's why you see us in the dungeon coming at you.

Tard the Paladin

Well vto be fair @Tard the Paladin you are certainly not the only person to use such rhetoric. But the toxic attitudes in general I feel do not help the case of your guild. You guys are in the limelight, you have achieved what I feel has been Gluttony's end goal by dominating the shard and feeding his ego with his opponents defeat and subsequent leaving of the shard. I myself never left because of being defeated on the field, but by the toxic attitude in game and forum zerging from eqms.

Perhaps now would be a good time to evaluate guild etiquette and answer the true question, is Gluttony's end goad of having his ego fed and his video game enemies defeated and disheartened, what is utlimately best for the eqms guild? Turning fruitful videogame experiences into a charred wasteland. If this is the end goal of everybody then have at it, seems to be on track. Otherwise perhaps hold yourselves to a higher standard, at least when it comes to attitudes when interacting with the rest of the shard.

The end goal is to have big battles. Hence that's why we've been encouraging you guys to group up and have some fun. Ditch the relic chase, get some decent numbers, join us for some big even fights! Its fun and its not rocket science.

All we want are some big battles because that's what many of us consider to be the highlight of UO. We love some PvM as well but many of us crave the big battles. But PvM or PvP requires decent numbers to truly accomplish some big goals. I suspect that the devs feel the same way because the name of the new expansion is "Kingdoms" and it encourages siege warfare and incentivized PvP.


The end goal is to have big battles. Hence that's why we've been encouraging you guys to group up and have some fun. Ditch the relic chase, get some decent numbers, join us for some big even fights! Its fun and its not rocket science.

All we want are some big battles because that's what many of us consider to be the highlight of UO. We love some PvM as well but many of us crave the big battles. But PvM or PvP requires decent numbers to truly accomplish some big goals. I suspect that the devs feel the same way because the name of the new expansion is "Kingdoms" and it encourages siege warfare and incentivized PvP.

What if people don't want to play that way? They get destroyed into oblivion and eventually quit? There needs to be a compromise. I originally thought the same about people complaining and whatnot, but with the amount of complaints recently, not everyone can be wrong, right?

Tard the Paladin

What if people don't want to play that way? They get destroyed into oblivion and eventually quit? There needs to be a compromise. I originally thought the same about people complaining and whatnot, but with the amount of complaints recently, not everyone can be wrong, right?

Here's how I look at it.

The whole zerg notion is easily disproved. We don't run on thirty reds each night. Last night was typical and we had six reds in a party. That was enough to wipe out any group we came across. That's pretty sad if people complain about a group of reds that don't even fill up a single party. Some nights we have more numbers but usually only late at night.

The players you mention sound like they hate Felucca server rulesets in general. EQMS plays the game "correctly". Its an MMO therefore we build a decent sized community. Its a Felucca shard therefore we run on reds. We don't "zerg" like a lot of folks in forums accuse. We have more numbers than most guilds. This is because nearly all guilds are too greedy to accept new players or form alliances.

EQMS is not asking anyone to accept a style of game play that is outside of UO's orignal design. The opposite can be said of players that demand that a Felucca shard with a healthy population to bend over backwards to warp UO's original design so that it accommodates pixel hungry players that don't want to work in groups because that means sharing pixels.

This being a Felucca shard does require PvM'ers to either:
defend their champs with PvP, avoid PvP by choosing other spawns, or form alliances and invite other blues to their champ spawns. What is unacceptable is when PvM'ers feel that a group of 4 tamers should be able to complete each champ without a possibility of PvP. That's the antithesis of Felucca.

If the players you mention want to work in groups of four to grind endlessly without PvP then Diablo is a better fit than Felucca UO.


its not pks running through dungeons that is making people quit, its doing champs ect and have eqms or power come in at the end with reds and pking everyone and taking everything that the others worked hard for. its a big turn down and after awhile people stopped having fun and then dont bother to log in


Here's how I look at it.

The whole zerg notion is easily disproved. We don't run on thirty reds each night. Last night was typical and we had six reds in a party. That was enough to wipe out any group we came across. That's pretty sad if people complain about a group of reds that don't even fill up a single party. Some nights we have more numbers but usually only late at night.

The players you mention sound like they hate Felucca server rulesets in general. EQMS plays the game "correctly". Its an MMO therefore we build a decent sized community. Its a Felucca shard therefore we run on reds. We don't "zerg" like a lot of folks in forums accuse. We have more numbers than most guilds. This is because nearly all guilds are too greedy to accept new players or form alliances.

EQMS is not asking anyone to accept a style of game play that is outside of UO's orignal design. The opposite can be said of players that demand that a Felucca shard with a healthy population to bend over backwards to warp UO's original design so that it accommodates pixel hungry players that don't want to work in groups because that means sharing pixels.

This being a Felucca shard does require PvM'ers to either:
defend their champs with PvP, avoid PvP by choosing other spawns, or form alliances and invite other blues to their champ spawns. What is unacceptable is when PvM'ers feel that a group of 4 tamers should be able to complete each champ without a possibility of PvP. That's the antithesis of Felucca.

If the players you mention want to work in groups of four to grind endlessly without PvP then Diablo is a better fit than Felucca UO.

How many servers can you honestly say has played the way you have outlined here? To ask that same thing in a different way, how many servers have actually survived with game play such as the game play you outline here? Ultima Online was originally based off a Felucian rule set, this is obvious but with the introduction of Trammel we all know what happened there also. Most free servers barely reach 150 unique accounts at any given time..

What you are asking people to do is something that they don't want to do. You are also telling these people that if they don't like it, then perhaps they should leave for another server more suited to their game style. Maybe some of those players have donated quite a bit here, would it be fair for them to leave because a group regards their style the original style intended for Ultima Online? You are also failing to realise that the over-whelming majority of this complaints only started when zerging first appeared in such numbers. I have always been a firm believer that all classes are necessary for a healthy shard, crating, fishing, warriors, tamers, bards, thieves etc, remove just one of those and you have taken away a vital link in the chain. The same applies for SOLO players, UO regardless if an MMO has always been friendly on those who want to run the game alone.

Because you and your guild 'think' that this is the way to go, it does not mean that the rest of the server thinks the same and shouldn't have to think the same. This has always been the beauty of Ultima Online and according to everything that is being said about EQMS, you are slowly removing that and implementing a style of play that will eventually, dictate who continues to play UO and who decides that it is time to quit UO for good.

It wasn't broken before, even if the game wasn't intended to be played as it was, trying to fix it could indeed, break it for others, permanently.


its not pks running through dungeons that is making people quit, its doing champs ect and have eqms or power come in at the end with reds and pking everyone and taking everything that the others worked hard for. its a big turn down and after awhile people stopped having fun and then dont bother to log in

I've had way too many of my friends say 'fuck this' because of exactly what you describe.
Nobody quits over dungeon, arch demon, or RDA zerging. They quit over champs. A fix is needed bad.

ton loc

The end goal is to have big battles. Hence that's why we've been encouraging you guys to group up and have some fun. Ditch the relic chase, get some decent numbers, join us for some big even fights! Its fun and its not rocket science.

All we want are some big battles because that's what many of us consider to be the highlight of UO. We love some PvM as well but many of us crave the big battles. But PvM or PvP requires decent numbers to truly accomplish some big goals. I suspect that the devs feel the same way because the name of the new expansion is "Kingdoms" and it encourages siege warfare and incentivized PvP.
Who's end game goal is big battles? The fuck?

That whole first paragraph summed up: "look.. We want big battles. Yea, we know they're fucking boring, and on top of that, they're insanely ******** with setting targets offscreen and target closest, but y'all might as well ditch what you actually think is fun in this old, dying game and play how we want.. Because it's happening whether you like it or not since "staff" decided it's what everyone wants.. Yea, yea, yea, I know no one else cares about that dumbass shit, but who gives a fuck."

And for the 8th time, UOF is not a fucking MMO. Jesus Christ. Even UO in its prime wouldn't have been considered "massive" today. Get a grip.
Want large scale battles? Go back to darkfall.
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What you are asking people to do is something that they don't want to do. You are also telling these people that if they don't like it, then perhaps they should leave for another server more suited to their game style.

Because you and your guild 'think' that this is the way to go, it does not mean that the rest of the server thinks the same and shouldn't have to think the same.

you are slowly removing that and implementing a style of play that will eventually, dictate who continues to play UO and who decides that it is time to quit UO for good.

How many servers can you honestly say has played the way you have outlined here? To ask that same thing in a different way, how many servers have actually survived with game play such as the game play you outline here? Ultima Online was originally based off a Felucian rule set, this is obvious but with the introduction of Trammel we all know what happened there also. Most free servers barely reach 150 unique accounts at any given time..

What you are asking people to do is something that they don't want to do. You are also telling these people that if they don't like it, then perhaps they should leave for another server more suited to their game style. Maybe some of those players have donated quite a bit here, would it be fair for them to leave because a group regards their style the original style intended for Ultima Online? You are also failing to realise that the over-whelming majority of this complaints only started when zerging first appeared in such numbers. I have always been a firm believer that all classes are necessary for a healthy shard, crating, fishing, warriors, tamers, bards, thieves etc, remove just one of those and you have taken away a vital link in the chain. The same applies for SOLO players, UO regardless if an MMO has always been friendly on those who want to run the game alone.

Because you and your guild 'think' that this is the way to go, it does not mean that the rest of the server thinks the same and shouldn't have to think the same. This has always been the beauty of Ultima Online and according to everything that is being said about EQMS, you are slowly removing that and implementing a style of play that will eventually, dictate who continues to play UO and who decides that it is time to quit UO for good.

It wasn't broken before, even if the game wasn't intended to be played as it was, trying to fix it could indeed, break it for others, permanently.
I wish my english was so good for typing the same. Well done.


Staff member
We are going to be changing the ways rewards are dealt with the champs, rda's etc.

We are talking about it now and how reds sweep in last minute and reap rewards.

This will be implemented next reboot.


We are going to be changing the ways rewards are dealt with the champs, rda's etc.
We are talking about it now and how reds sweep in last minute and reap rewards.
This will be implemented next reboot.

rewards going to bank ?
welcome to trammel


Trammel prevails I suppose.

Replying to your previous post, there are two fronts which are being questioned here not just champs. Tamers have always been saturated with content and I agree, many of them are very self-entitled when it comes to Ultima online, I am not talking about them however, but the changes which could be potentially triggered regarding the systems of PVP.


We are going to be changing the ways rewards are dealt with the champs, rda's etc.

We are talking about it now and how reds sweep in last minute and reap rewards.

This will be implemented next reboot.

As long as there is still reward for reds and they aren't excluded from the loot table for their play style.... RDAs and champs are end game content and should be inclusive to *all* play styles. As it stands, there are plenty of successful champs done by blues and plenty that are raided by reds.
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