The Real Keith
All this talk and no action. Go PvP field or duel on an archer against a stun mage or alche dexxer. I'd like to watch.
All this talk and no action. Go PvP field or duel on an archer against a stun mage or alche dexxer. I'd like to watch.
It's a stupid idea. Sorry, but it is. If you absolutely have to, roll with archery and another weapon skill and switch when you need to. Or use tank mage with archery. Bows are super strong, heavy xbows are like fuckin howitzer (sometimes), they are perfect as support weapon in groups, but 1v1 they suck. And if anyone plans to use reality comparison, think about longbows.. That thing required you to stay still, put your weight into it, and was able to pierce armor. But who would win in 1v1, lightly (or wearing none) armored archer against heavy fucker with platemail and two handed sword?
What you're saying to me is that while I'm chasing someone, I'm expected to stop for an entire 5 seconds to hit them while they are still running?
Btw I was thinking about this endless running scenarios and how to stop them.. Only things that came on my mind are either using some item (throwing daggers or something) that stops runner for a second, can be used once per xx seconds and only in facing direction, with % chance to stop them.. Second idea is literally throwing yourself on the guy you're chasing, dismounting him and yourself in the process. Might come up with couple more things, but for now my brain is fried.
who are you fighting? I run all the time, most of the time i get stun punched and fucking raped.99% of my fights end up this wayI gave up on killing people, everyone just runs like chicken.
Btw I was thinking about this endless running scenarios and how to stop them.. Only things that came on my mind are either using some item (throwing daggers or something) that stops runner for a second, can be used once per xx seconds and only in facing direction, with % chance to stop them.. Might come up with couple more things, but for now my brain is fried.
It's not a stupid idea, give an opinion, not an insult. Some people have no place in a debate. Rolling with two weapons means you would have to sacrifice 100 points in a weapon skill just to be viable in a chase when all the other templates dominate at it. I think balance is key, free running archers isn't the answer but archers need something. Crossbows do hit like a howitzer, you're totally right. So do flamestrikes. So do maces. The thing they have in common is a cool down or cast time. Do you know the cool down on a heavy cross bow? I believe it's 5 entire seconds at 100 stamina. To put that in perspective a long spear is 2 and a half seconds , a flame strike is like two seconds and we already know about explosion potions.
What you're saying to me is that while I'm chasing someone, I'm expected to stop for an entire 5 seconds to hit them while they are still running?
What everyone keeps saying is that archers are great in groups. Isnt any class great in a group when they outnumber someone? 3 archers on a mage will devastate him. 3 mages on an archer will also devastate him. The issue here is that those encounters are just that. Ganks. 3 archers vs 3 mages would be an interesting fight but it seems on this server that the mages will just off screen, preload, run the script and those archers will die. If the archers run however, they will get spammed with potions, spammed with quick casting spells and stunned until they are dead.
The developers created a game that is still successful to this day. It's 20 years later and we're still playing it. They created balance and we as a private server copied them. It is an emulation. If the the question is how to create balanced archers in PvP when chasing, why not take a page from the people who made the game and add moving shot? Dismount shots were added after AOS which is when Ultima died. Moving shot was added in Mondains and should work just like a stun.