The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar


What you'll need to do is

A. Make a tamer

B. Get a meta pet

C. Eat a gold relic

D. Turn shit para

E. Gate dexer in

What would be so hard about that? Lol

Joking aside gold relic would be a cool addition for dexers IMO.

Exactly what I did.

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Just started working the defense tali. Got remedy relic. About 7k xp and only one proc. What am I doing wrong?
let me know if it is easier to level the defense tally. Zerk has been a pain having to go out nekked and with no relics cause im poor a $h!t!


I've leveled my defense talisman to 8 and half way to nine.. Just hunting with my guild. They bring pets I hit mobs with them, just don't take damage

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im around provokers a lot, so if the mob isnt attacking me, i gain no experience on the tally from what ive seen :( i just have to solo a lot


Yea you do. They change it. No agro now. Relics may need mobs agroed to gain, but talisman does not

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let me know if it is easier to level the defense tally. Zerk has been a pain having to go out nekked and with no relics cause im poor a $h!t!
I started wearing armor on my zerk around level 8. At that point it's gonna take forever and a day to level, so I'd rather have the armor to help protect myself a bit.


i think it is npc vendor bought leather and then imbued with slayer properties on a crystal forge
Negative. Used to be you could imbue the newblie slayer ar that was blessed. Turning the npc crap ar in to slayer ar is a waste. I've never used slayer ar. It really isn't necessary until doing high level farming with maxed out or near maxed out tali.


Negative. Used to be you could imbue the newblie slayer ar that was blessed. Turning the npc crap ar in to slayer ar is a waste. I've never used slayer ar. It really isn't necessary until doing high level farming with maxed out or near maxed out tali.

If you have the newbie slayer armor, then is it worth only wearing two pieces for, let's say, fighting dragons? Or is 33% chance not high enough to be worth it?