The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar


For sale purposes? I see mostly kats and double axes. I believe @Wizx13 also sells short spears, not sure on how well they move for him though.
yeah for personal use and re-sale. I respec'd all my guys to swords, and may make the switch to 2h once my defense talisman hits lvl 10 :D


I tend to use slayer katana for berseker due to high dps, or if I am fighting mobs that hit hard, a two-handed axe so I dont have to stand and take dmg with 0 armor


I've gotta couple of nice one handers that I use on occasion. Force rep death broadsword and a vanq repond broadsword, but that's about it.

Tard the Paladin

Dragons give decent skill gain too and won't ruin your armor nearly as fast. Remember every point below 100 ac is a percentage point of reduction on talisman xp gain. Plate has good durability so I used to wear that when training XP. I'd also keep several heater shields on me since they are cheap and tend to get worn out quickly.

Invul plate is cheap, you can usually find pieces for 1k on vendors. It pays to seek out random vendors off the beaten path. There are a lot of vendors that aren't in Yew. Its always nice to find a treasure hunter's vendor stocked with some nice plate pieces. Most dexers don't wear plate so there are definitely good deals to be had.


For sale purposes? I see mostly kats and double axes. I believe @Wizx13 also sells short spears, not sure on how well they move for him though.
I have gotten quite a few requests for heavy x bows, short spears, dbl ax, and kats.
As far as the sales side all the mentioned types super slayers sell out fast. The rest trickle off according to popularity.
I will run any weapon type people want, just post it on the bulletin board at Slayerville :)

Young Star

Haven't seen anyone else pvming with a heavy xbow. I have always liked them myself when I can get ones with high accuracy. I especially like a silver force or higher at Niera Champ. You can often one hit the first lvl spawn. I usually hit my attack closest macro in between shots and either kill or redline a lot of the spawn within range.

Field pvp I like using them too in a group to get a big initial shot or a kill shot. Currently trying out retooling to get enough int to load on a target with explo+heavyshot+eb


So I'm thinking about trying to get starting the quest this weekend. What qualifies as an evil monster? Do Orcs, Ettins and Trolls count or is just the big baddies like drakes, dragons and daemons etc.


So I'm thinking about trying to get starting the quest this weekend. What qualifies as an evil monster? Do Orcs, Ettins and Trolls count or is just the big baddies like drakes, dragons and daemons etc.
big baddies, like orgelords, dragons, daemons, and i think lich


I generally solo when I play so i'm not too sure, but i'd assume you can get credit if you've contributed on the monster


Last question for now. I have swords because of the katana but I was thinking of switching to mace. I like the war axe :). Is the difference between sword, mace and fencing really that noticeable in pvm. I know they each do different things for pvp but I don't really plan on pvping unless defending myself with this guy.


I did dragons/drakes, deamons and deep earth elementals. Just carry a dragon slayer, deamon slayer and elemental slayer and recall between locations.