Stackable Potions


Please implement stackable pots. It is one of those little things that is a small hassle a lot if the time when you have pots all over the place. When you get stackable pots you suddenly have a little easier life restocking looting your corpse (or someone else's) and it all adds up to the overall happiness of the player base and awesomeness if the server.

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This has been discussed before. The client does not support that graphic. Kegs serve the same purpose, and if you want easier looting, put them in a bag. I dont understand why people dont keep them in a sub bag anyway, I assumed it was because they dont want them to be easy to loot.


This has been discussed before. The client does not support that graphic. Kegs serve the same purpose, and if you want easier looting, put them in a bag. I dont understand why people dont keep them in a sub bag anyway, I assumed it was because they dont want them to be easy to loot.

I didn't think the reason was because of lack of client functionality. I could of sworn that IPY or uoforever or something had this implemented. I know Shane said that he didn't want to implement it. He said there was something he liked about opening a corpse and seeing all those pots.

I'm all for non stackable pots, and using a sub bag. If you die, you're not going to get alive before you get looted dry.


New Member
Love this idea, I understand the argument of the kegs as well. for overall play however i believe meeting in the middle would be great perhaps limit on stacks.... if you try to venture out with say 25 of each potion you cannot due it due to the item count.

Don Key

This has been discussed before. The client does not support that graphic. Kegs serve the same purpose, and if you want easier looting, put them in a bag. I dont understand why people dont keep them in a sub bag anyway, I assumed it was because they dont want them to be easy to loot.

Also worth noting, that stackable potions exist in the CTF arena.


Been said multiple times, Shane likes the nostalgia of having to sort pots one at a time and they will not introduce stackable pots into regular gameplay

Sent from Baja 1997 - ICQ 12013388


I bought them _once_. But it's not like theyre disappearing after some time so yea.. there's no real market for them is there?
It's weird, they never disappear, but im asked like 3 times a day when we'll restock them


Here's shanes opinion on stackable pots, straight from reddit:
We at UOF have always had the odd player absolutely insist that we add "stack-able potions".

They say "Why not? It just makes it easier for everyone". However as true as that may be, it removes a ton of REALLY important factors in the game.

A: By having stacked potions, there is less to loot. This means once someone dies, and another person goes to loot their corpse, their looting time is cut in half, if not more. So instead of that person having to pick up the potions one by one, they can grab the stacks extremely quickly and continue on/catch up with their group. Where as normally someone would have to sit there for at least 10-30 seconds or more and in Ultima Online, a lot can happen in 30 seconds as in separation from the group / getting killed from another group and much more..

B: You totally cut out the need for kegs. Which totally hurts an entire part of the economy for tinkering (Keg Making). Anyone who's ran a server should know that Ultima Online can be a slippery slope, and it can slip extremely fast. One small change, can effect more than you think in your community and economy.

C: This is the important one: The initial gratification that comes with opening a corpse with tons of loot is lost. This has been a serious issue with a ton of previous and current servers. It's so over-looked it's not even funny anymore. Every server i played previously had this issue as well. As a prime example, i have created two of the same npc's, placed pots on one npc, and no pots on another. Look at this screenshot, and let me know which one looks better right off the bat?

If you look at the screenshot, you will instantly realize why stacked potions just aren't a good idea all around. The corpse with all the pots looks insanely luxurious, however they are just POTS!. It's amazing what adding more items to a corpse can do to add eye candy for the mind. As a player i hope you understand this now too, because perhaps you have pinned off that "extra kill" because some guy was trying to loot his guildies/friends pots one by one and taking a ton of time to do it. For server admins, this example here is something I've learned honestly. Ultima Online was originally designed to be a social platform game. With this, comes a ton of little psychological aspects such as listed above.

I hope this helps both players and other admins in these types of discussions. I will start posting some more nice tips on popular things such as this, as i think people really like reading into things. People wonder how we got where we are a lot, so i will start posting tips of some thought processes we go through which has lead us to where we are and i hope that's alright and helps people. I wish i had this insight as a player for sure.


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It's weird, they never disappear, but im asked like 3 times a day when we'll restock them
Nah, empty kegs sell -- just not well. Not everyone has a cache of 500 like @K A Z there. I probably have a couple hundred, but most of those are full because of all the alchy characters I have made. I have gotten to the point that I make different potions when training to just populate other types other than the normal ones you use to gain skill.

I don't sell empty kegs because I find they are horrible to make...


For the record, you can put the empty pots into the bag you want them to be in, and when you fill them they go directly into that bag.


I have to say when I first started playing I was annoyed with the fact that potions don't stack but, after a while, you get used to it. I just store them in an individual pouch and have hot keys for each type. It adds to the loot factor should I ever die and doesn't really cause any problem.


I like the fact they're not stackable, potions are op af, this way you can't carry 100000000 of them and have to think about 1v1ing this guy still out if TR's -1