Resurrecting Factions

You can buy ethereal mounts, cosmetic stuff for your house, armored shrouds +4, bless factions weapons on your crafter, place faction guards and faction vendors, etc. This is what you can do with silver currently. Silver is earned by killing enemy faction mobs. Silver can be taxed by the commander of the faction up to 50%, if you successfully cap a faction towns sigil, the faction treasury is rewarded a large sum of silver. Silver can also be spent on expanding the amount of time you control a faction territory up to 4 days I believe. At least thats how it was once.


Thanks for the info Keith. Can anyone share a list of items that can be bought with silver and how much they cost?


Staff member
We really need some good idea's on this honestly, we are pretty much open to anything reasonable.

We've tried incentives, and some other things and although it has helped, it does not encourage people to join it enough. We need great incentives that not only helps pvpers, but pvmers, crafters as well


Well adding bonuses to towns such as
Increases PS+artifact drop rate at champs,
Increase higher level of resources harvested,
Increase gold drop,
Increase crafting chance,

WOuld also like to see half time on bulk order deeds in a town you own, so if you have a faction crafter your lookin at 3hrs instead of 6

FACTION VENDORS should be spawning with at least 500 of each resource not 60, i mean your hiring these guys then you have to work to buy them up?

towns should be on a 24 or 48 hr cycle not 72, (this is why vendors should spawn with 500 of whatever resource not 60)

Crafters should be able to craft cooler that faction only items, yeah there is cool stuff to buy with silver and there should be more actually, but in the end rich people just end up buying the silver to get those items they want anyway which is fine it gives pvpers a way to make money which is nice.

There should be end game faction rares.

Lets keep in mind people, when factions first came out THOUSANDS of people joined, 90% of them wernt even 6x gm and had no idea how to pvp, they joined factions to LEARN how to pvp and to get involved in a new revolution.

Were just gonna have to come up with a idea that makes factions so attractive to the average player that the seek out a faction guild and join it.

Yeah it might be a little scary to go out there and fight the few vet pvpers that exist, but lets be honest theres maybe like 10 of those on this shard(which is about 2% of the active population) so realy anyone joining factions as long as they get into a guild with 3-5 actives is gonna have fun and be able to fight.
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We really need some good idea's on this honestly, we are pretty much open to anything reasonable.

We've tried incentives, and some other things and although it has helped, it does not encourage people to join it enough. We need great incentives that not only helps pvpers, but pvmers, crafters as well

Faction only RDAstyle Champ on fixed 8h or 6h timer so its hit every primetime with gates from HQ with fight about Sigils.

- 1 Hour fight about Sigils (reduce them to 4 Sigils, 1 per Faction HQ CTF like)
- after 1 Hour Gates open from each HQ that own at least one sigil to the Champ (you can only enter gates at your HQ)
- dmg/stat/scroll Bonus for owning Sigils inside the Champ Area
- champ area should be that you can only attack emenys factions, no head cut
- inside all factionbases should be no head cut


Allow me to break everyones bubble.

Factions are dead. They will remain dead. We can beat the dead horse as much as we want, but let's stop pretending it's anything other than that at this point.

The skill gap between good groups and newer groups is too large. What happens is the good groups destroy the bad groups, the bad groups get discouraged die one time and log out or onto another character. The better groups then after realizing they've wiped any competition get bored because no one logs in, or they get tired of fighting the same group over and over.

YES, there are a few better groups on here now (After sallos was allowed), just like when UOsteam (Unrestricted) was allowed on here. We saw booms in faction activity - the cycle just repeats itself.

Player base is a very important thing, and in terms of PVP this shard lacks the necessary player base with the PVP mentality for factions to work.

That's not to discredit the server because there's obviously a population on here, just not one to support factions.


^ I agree with that.

Could also be people get tired of running 20 screens, dump, run 40 screens, dump, run 20 screens, dump........

I think the staff is doing a good job making more incentives for factions though.... words of power and capture points were excellent editions and I have seen quite a bit of faxion axion recently


This is such a poor excuse your entire group uses. You guys are half the problem. A PVP group that refuses to come out and field because they might have to hunt someone down occasionally. You exaggerate on the running so much, sure the last person alive might run all over sosaria, but the initial group fight usually happens within 2-3 screens of where it starts. I wasn't aware your UO characters were obese and can't chase for 10 seconds.

I don't speak for anyone else in my "group" but I can assure you the running is no exaggeration, watch any of the faction videos posted: there's a reason they fast forward 40x speed or cut half the video.

I don't do much group fighting these days, I usually play solo. I have nothing to prove, I don't think there's anyone on the server that could beat me and @the flube 2v2 and we know it. There are VERY few people who could beat me in a standard 1v1 7x with pots, if you would like to dispute either of these facts I accept challenges for over a mil.
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I don't speak for anyone else in my "group" but I can assure you the running is no exaggeration, watch any of the faction videos posted: there's a reason they fast forward 40x speed or cut half the video.

I don't do much group fighting these days, I usually play solo. I have nothing to prove, I don't think there's anyone on the server that could beat me and @the flube 2v2 and we know it. There are VERY few people who could beat me in a standard 1v1 7x with pots, if you would like to dispute either of these facts I accept challenges for over a mil.
You and your group must have alot in common then. I'm in some of those PVP videos,so I speak from experience. If you drop someone in a 4v4 it becomes 3v4 so of course they are going to try run and dump, should they all just roll over and die? If "20 screens, dump, run 40 screens, dump, run 20 screens, dump" isn't an exaggeration, then I don't know what is.

I'm not asking you to prove anything. You can beat people in a box, good for you. I don't doubt you would win a 1v1/2v2 against me, I'm horrible at both. Maybe you could use some of those box mechanics and bring them onto the field with your group.


You and your group must have alot in common then. I'm in some of those PVP videos,so I speak from experience. If you drop someone in a 4v4 it becomes 3v4 so of course they are going to try run and dump, should they all just roll over and die? If "20 screens, dump, run 40 screens, dump, run 20 screens, dump" isn't an exaggeration, then I don't know what is.

I'm not asking you to prove anything. You can beat people in a box, good for you. I don't doubt you would win a 1v1/2v2 against me, I'm horrible at both. Maybe you could use some of those box mechanics and bring them onto the field with your group.

I don't really know what your point is @Shake , maybe we can just agree to disagree on faction fighting.

I'm in the field quite often but you will probably find me solo. If you call in 2+ buddies then that's on you -- I don't do call ins but I will stay and fight a 1v1, 2v1, and in some cases 3v1's in the field.

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
We really need some good idea's on this honestly, we are pretty much open to anything reasonable.

We've tried incentives, and some other things and although it has helped, it does not encourage people to join it enough. We need great incentives that not only helps pvpers, but pvmers, crafters as well

In case some can't read, Shane said good ideas not squabbles. Take it to Flames & Rants gentlemen and get it back on track.


Whoah , sounds like he improved a lot since uoforever in 2v2 ! ... maybe he finally stopped to play with Craig and has
actually learned to heal syncs properly instead of attempting to punch them every time.

I am a firm believer in the old saying "talk is cheap" so if you doubt what I say, like I said, I accept all challenges for over a mil.

In case some can't read, Shane said good ideas not squabbles. Take it to Flames & Rants gentlemen and get it back on track.

@Skye Wolfbane .
Saying that factions is dead because there is a skill gap between good and bad players tells me that you and every factioner is assuming that factions is simply about a 5v5 group fighting in town on mages and the winner is the winner. This isn't what factions was, it's what factions has become. Most of the people who have only experienced the last 5-8 years of Ultima have the same mentality of "I'm da bestests" and that is what ruined factions. Factions is "Dead" because the players made it that way. I never claimed that factions wasn't dead, hence the name of the thread. If you change the player mentality just a little, it can be repaired.

Look at the replies in order and you can clearly see what the problem is. A bunch of people wanting to change factions with the playerbase and all the try hards come in and turn it into a big e-peen fest.


Saying that factions is dead because there is a skill gap between good and bad players tells me that you and every factioner is assuming that factions is simply about a 5v5 group fighting in town on mages and the winner is the winner. This isn't what factions was, it's what factions has become. Most of the people who have only experienced the last 5-8 years of Ultima have the same mentality of "I'm da bestests" and that is what ruined factions. Factions is "Dead" because the players made it that way. I never claimed that factions wasn't dead, hence the name of the thread. If you change the player mentality just a little, it can be repaired.

Look at the replies in order and you can clearly see what the problem is. A bunch of people wanting to change factions with the playerbase and all the try hards come in and turn it into a big e-peen fest.

I suggest doing some forum research.

I see you joined last month on the forums, so it would make sense that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about in terms of people wanting to make changes to factions on UOF.