Promoting healthy and fun PvP


But is it? Did we not just establish how "prepared" you can be with a gate?

The moment the flagging for "accountability" happens, is the moment everyone starts to get even better at gating their buddies out or setting up goddamn macros on their alt accounts etc.

The stuff that people come up with to get through any kind of barrier is impressive. It doesn't bother me. More power to them. I'm just calling it now.

Rather than go through a month or two of the same shit but in gate form, disable both.

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on uoforever people had scripts to gate out their chars if they was outnumbered in a fight etc. sad but true.


this is also not supposed to be easy on reds but this day and age it is EXTREMELY easy on reds (no cut zones, allowed in towns etc.)

this has been said many times already but ill say it again....this isnt uoforever, stop trying to make it like uoforever pvp. if uoforever pvp was so great why didnt you stay there???????? oh yeah thats sucked so bad everyone left and you didnt have anyone to fight.

its time to learn new tactics and ways to pvp instead of using the same lame ass zerg tactics.

The reason uoforever died was because the staff was corrupt and not involved... the PVP ruleset is not why uoforever died, in fact it is the ONLY reason uoforever didnt die 8 years ago.

Say what you want about uoforever, but its PVP ruleset was perfect(sadly, everything else about the shard sucked).


but...EQMS is a guild known for shit talking?

Not really -- most of our shit talk is done in RP style praising Jesus of SDS, etc. Im talking about the people who spam racial or homophobic slurs and take things to an IRL level of shit talk.


Not really -- most of our shit talk is done in RP style praising Jesus of SDS, etc. Im talking about the people who spam racial or homophobic slurs and take things to an IRL level of shit talk.
Interesting.... I dont know of many people or even guilds that take it that far with shit talk. Yet it never fails that friends in other guilds or even alliance chat talk about how 5 or more eqms showed up to kill then while solo. They always either need a gate, or a rez.... Not once has eqms ressed someone after a gank. Wait that's not true. When I was in eqms and out solo I would, but now? Lets not kid ourselves glutt.

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Madd Dogg

Only time I was ressed by EQMS they asked if I would like to join, when I said no I was res killed and called a noob. Must of caught them on a bad day I guess?




The blues that do the "blue pking" get reputations for it.

If you see someone who acts shady or has done shitty things while on a blue before, get ready to defend yourself, or move to a different spot, call in, ect.

You might get fucked with once or twice. This is uo. This is a component for why we come back to this game after so long. If you can't smarten up after a few dirt bag demonstrations, then you deserve to get pissed with.

Don't put chains on everyone.

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Here's yet another suggestion that might be better than going by murder counts... maybe the recalling once you're attacked should be based off your reputation? Not a blue pk'ing fix but at least it forces the blue pk's to farm reputation. *shrugs*


We rarely goto dungeons and PK -- we do it when theres no PVP on. When we do, if our victim is in a guild that isnt known for shit talking, we res them and gate them out.

This has happened with me...they came in and killed my bard and then rezzed me. Didn't give me my hard earned gold back but did rezz me.


Here's yet another suggestion that might be better than going by murder counts... maybe the recalling once you're attacked should be based off your reputation? Not a blue pk'ing fix but at least it forces the blue pk's to farm reputation. *shrugs*
Its incredibly easy to fix your paperdoll rep.

Ask reds who have pk'd at oaks champ, sporting an honorable title. Farmed freshly for that purpose.

There's a way around everything.

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Lord Hampton Royce

there needs to be a secret group of well experienced/knowledgeable pvpers that get together once a week to discuss changes and fixes for the pvp aspect of the server.



there needs to be a secret group of well experienced/knowledgeable pvpers that get together once a week to discuss changes and fixes for the pvp aspect of the server.

^Thinks he should fit into that category. Your secret group would ruin the server.
If you all like uoforever pvp so much. Go pvp there.

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^Thinks he should fit into that category. Your secret group would ruin the server.
If you all like uoforever pvp so much. Go pvp there.

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uoforever PVP ruleset was the best PVP ruleset a shard could have. uoforever didnt die because of its PVP rules, it died because of its corrupt staff that eventually all quit.

Lord Hampton Royce

i think when people talk about pvp, they should know pvp.

you know bods, so should i need any info on bods, ill come to you.

in the meantime, this is a pvp thread. see yourself out. thanks


uoforever PVP ruleset was the best PVP ruleset a shard could have. uoforever didnt die because of its PVP rules, it died because of its corrupt staff that eventually all quit.
It still has that "great pvp ruleset" right? If thats all you care about..load up eqms. Split them in half and go have a blast.

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i think when people talk about pvp, they should know pvp.

you know bods, so should i need any info on bods, ill come to you.

in the meantime, this is a pvp thread. see yourself out. thanks
Ya because I have one crafter I hardly log on. All you know is zerg and stun tame. Gg even then you find ways to ***** and moan to make it easier for you. Maybe you should see yourself out.

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