Def not a tantrum. I think that tantrum must not translate to Chinese very well or something idk.
Def not a tantrum. I think that tantrum must not translate to Chinese very well or something idk.
These bandage times have been in place for over 3 years. Why has it become such an issue in the last few months? The armor nerfs have been in place for around 1.5-2years. There has been tons of pvp if all kinds in time and yeah some have grumbled about it off and on but they have been squeaking that wheel ear piercingly loud in the last few months.
I've consistently stated since day 1 bandages have been way too fast here. Probably the reason that more people are vocal about it now are is because of other changes have taken place and that PVP is less consensual and more so focused around PKing in dungeons. Honestly under the current system (even if you take the bandage nerf into consideration) there is no reason to play anything but a dexxer if you are a solo PK in dungeons.
I'm honestly not entirely sure about the armor nerf and what all it entailed, but armor does seem to be in a very shitty spot. The negligible, or in most cases nonexistent, dexterity loss on all armor is just such a bad idea. Instead of having to pick between having a lot of AR and losing a substantial amount of dexterity (thus swinging slower and bandaging slower, but taking less melee damage) or having less AR and keeping their dexterity high (thus swinging more often and bandaging faster, but taking more melee damage) players can simply have the best of both worlds. Currently there is no reason at all to ever wear armor such as studded, bone, or ringmail. Really to an even lesser extent there is not much point in even chainmail/platemail for the most part. Dragon armor simply outshines everything with no dex loss, high armor rating, ease of obtainability, and relatively cheap price. Honestly dexterity loss for existing pieces (the few that actually have it) should at least double and dexterity loss on other pieces be added and adjusted according to how much armor it gives. This also would hopefully give crafters a reason to craft stuff like barbed studded suits and other armor instead.
no magery 7x alchy, poison.
Sorry 20 magery lol
log on your mage, ill get on a dexxer that I haven't played in 6+ months n I'll still put in that work, jimbo.
ps you logged onto uof lately? its a dexxer's paradise
id add a heli or flube video but 2lazy. You get the point.
I provided my insight. Unfortunately you don't agree with what I have to say so you don't think it's a valid opinion. Also, my toxicity? I barely hear a peep from you in uoforever or on the forums unless it is something negative so please don't be a hypocrite. Maybe we should both work on being less negative.
It needs to be fixed because how op it is in pvp and pvm. You shouldn't be able to sit there semiafk facetanking mobs as dexxers, not even staff likes the way it is, the only reason why it hasn't been changed is because the overload of trammy tears that come with it. It's really easy to adapt you just gotta be a little more aware and kite the mobs more. With slayer ar, talismans, etc this really should be a nonissue. I can't remember that last time I died on a pvm char to mobs. I get your a newer player Xiu but I promise its really not a big difference, plus I know you like working talismans. Try adding some slayer ar to the mix! its op!
720 skill cap by chance? you could squeeze in 40 magery by dropping alchy to 80.
imo you over committing if you are losing 1v1s with that build. Just learn from your mistakes and you'll be gravy bb. That build is great for clearing out dungeons and still very strong 1v1, if you play it right you will make them burn all their cure pots and finish them off with pots. I prefer gm magery on my dexxers you can do a lot with it. Try 7x alchy and GM magery instead of poisoning
yes yes i guess helli dont know HOW TO KILL GOOD MAGE but ANYWAY
it is fight where mage HAVE around 45-50 armorLOL look at the heli kryss damage
Dude!!!1h dexxer with poison and without magery CANT kill good mage!!! it is sad but fuck
There is no way this is true.The bandages in relation to UOF take at least an extra 3 seconds to apply comparatively.
H ybrid barbed armor + blessed AR clothing gives 28 AR. UOForever barbed armor + blessed AR clothing gives 28 AR (30 with a +5 faction robe). If both H ybrid and UOF independently lowered their leather AR values, maybe there was a reason." Dexxers are OP on uof for a number of reasons
-nerf to barbed armor
Explain. If you're purely talking about axes, say it.-buff to weapon dmg
You mean no stam loss when RUNNING? If so, say it.-no stam loss
Relative to WHAT? Last I checked, the hit chance is 50% against a target of equal skill, just like UO has ALWAYS been on EVERY server.-high swing speed/hit chances
I've never even heard of you, so I'm not sure why you think you know anything about how I play. But based on what you've written here, I get the impression that the only dexxer you've played has a defense talisman. All this stuff about semi-afk tanking high level mobs and never dying on a pvm character is pure nonsense. Even my level 10 zerker can't take on high level mobs without kiting and off-screening, and it dies multiple times per day.
My swords mage with low dex will be unplayable with this change, and I might as well scrap my scribe heal mage too because it can barely survive as is, and once the crybabies get their way on this one they'll go after mini heal next because nerfing other people's templates is the only real "pvp" they enjoy.
Dude!!!1h dexxer with poison and without magery CANT kill good mage!!! it is sad but fuck
it's uof!!! MAGERY it is BEST SKILL IN GAME!!!
sweet jebus when will it end?
all mages will be happy,90% play on mages and cry about bandages,MAYBE AFTER DELETETING HEALING THEY STOP CRY?!!!
or no not delete just make bandage not useable in fight LOOOLLL if you attacked or attacked you, you cant use bandages?!!