Well damn, this really must hurt, I mean, how many other guilds are as thoughtful to create a peacemaking event where you have to wear an opposing guilds colours just to have a day of farming without the interference of destructive game play methods.
Tell you what, why don't we hold a weekend where target closest is disabled? Would you guys be happy with this? Lets also make sure to add a few days of perma-stat loss also? I guess this would pretty much even the playing the field for a few days at least, give people some rightfully deserved pay back and wipe the smugness off a few faces around here.
Okay, my turn now, I demand that everyone make thieves and wear black and red clothing to be safe from stealing for a day. With this, you will be completely immune from stealing, will have some of the best fun you have had in years and even if many peoples packs are emptied because of this, you can be assured there will be less complaints.
Strangely, me and a few others championed the idea to get script stealing changed or even banned completely because it is painfully obvious how incredibly unfair it can be, we did this because we saw a problem with it, how it could affect legitimate thieves *if there is such a thing* negatively and mostly because of the impact it could have on the player base but, instead of thinking of our own personal gains and ambitions, we thought about the server as a whole. You lot on the other hand, think about nothing else but you own personal ambitions and again, are completely disregarding anyone else not in EQMS.
Sadly, if everyone joined EQMS, you would consider it a victory and move elsewhere.
lol the event is optional buddy, as we never see you in game anyway i don't think you will be missed.
Why do you feel the need to overwrite another essay and somehow work in how you're awesome for asking to change a stealing script? [e cringe.
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