ARCH DEMON how many have you done? what did you get?


just wondering what people's drop rates are like with arch demon, and does anyone know if damage factors into it? or do you have the same chance to get loot from doing 10 damage compared to 1000 damage?

I would say I've done at least 30 arch demons now, and I've got 1 double strike (on my first try) , phase shift , and 1 crappy powerscroll

so maybe a 1 in 10 chance to get stuff?

Josh D

It drops a relic 33% of the time. I used to solo this thing all the time a year ago before other people caught onto it.

I'd guess I've done around 500-600 arch daemons and gotten about 30-40 relics.


I'd guess around 150-200 times. 1 relic. 2 PS.

Edit: oh and the one time I got the relic, I scored 100 flat. I didn't check but I was probably last in the score, or close to.

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I did like 15-20 and got a PS once where it was me and like 3 other people doing it. My score is always crappy tho, no meta mage, no meta dexer


Around 30-40 times and got one PS Fishing 115, no relics, but lots of gold and some SS from the ground.