What Weapon Would You Bless?

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Given that IBDs are super rare and only seem to be raffled once a year, my sentiment is that the weapon that gets blessed this year should be something epic in of itself, and anything less would be a UO tragedy. To that end I'm looking for advice and any leeds that help me achieve that goal.

A bunch of people reach out to me so far which has been really cool, and as yet haven't made a decision on which class of weapon let alone a type. The last char I had a melee skill on was a waraxe wielding tank mage on Beta. So far i'm thinking along the lines of long spear/warhammer/axe based on feedback but perhaps inspiration will come in the form of previously unknown opportunity, hence this post. What do you think should be blessed? (and no it wont be a skinning knife)

without the right char to wield this weapon yet, time is not so much of an issue. I do expect to pay a crazy amount for it, prior to blessing. Ideally it will be a superslayer val runic, though I don't know if any even exist on UOF.

To those who have the right weapon, but don't really want to sell in case they get an IBD in next years raffle, I would say this. I cannot guarantee I will sell. Within the first 30 minutes I had multiple offers ranging from 50-100m which admittedly was enticing. At the very least I'd like to try my hand at a dexxer and pvp for a bit, a facet of uo i have little to no experience in yet. Having said that however, what I can offer is a guarantee I will give you first and last right of refusal if I do sell. If this change of playstyle isn't for me, I'll offer it to you first, and if you decline first offer, i'll auction it off, and give you the final opportunity to buy it for whatever the top offer is. Any such auction would be subject to disclosure of this caveat. I've done high end deals with many if not most the key players on this server who buy and sell heavily, and my word is good. Such an opportunity has far better odds of seeing the weapon eventually in your hands, than gambling in a lotto. It would also of course be your ideal weapon choice.

Perhaps you have such a weapon, squirrelled away in a bank vault, or display cabinet. Maybe you know someone who has such a weapon but they don't really play anymore. Either way please pm me here, or on discord or post a reply. I'd like to talk and hopefully carve a deal.

^(hate this gen y bs, why read a forum for fun if you hate words?)

Hook a brutha up with the ballziest Wep type/loc/info and i give you mad $$$ k?


Young Star

Cant go wrong with a valorite katana. It will hit like a truck andstill be the fastest swinging. I know a verite kat against full invul plate still did 20s. That was before the armor nerf.

Spear or short spear will have that added paralyze blow that will pretty much guarantee getting 2 shots off, both being near half health.


Don't underestimate a valorite runic double axe! I've personally 2-shot people with my LJ dexer with just a regular vanq axe... I could only imagine the destruction a valorite runic axe would cause.. Especially against people in leather armor. The conc blow is another nice benefit cutting your opponent's mana in half.

My personal preference:
1) Double axe
2) War hammer
3) Katana
4) Long spear

As far as a slayer goes, I'd go with whatever super slayer valorite runic that is available, assuming there are any at all... Valorite runic hammers don't come around very often and only 10 weapons can be made. Top that with a very low 2.5%(?) chance of a slayer, then crossing your fingers for a super slayer, then hoping it's super slayer you'd prefer... Most likely not going to happen... THEN add in the extra stress of thieves considering slayer weapons have to ve made in the Brit crafting area (unless that has changed).. So as far as any slayer goes, take whatever is available and make the most of it.
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Don't underestimate a valorite runic double axe! I've personally 2-shot people with my LJ dexer with just a regular vanq axe... I could only imagine the destruction a valorite runic axe would cause.. Especially against people in leather armor. The conc blow is another nice benefit cutting your opponent's mana in half.

My personal preference:
1) Double axe
2) War hammer
3) Katana
4) Long spear

right! but axes only hurt mages.. theyre garbo against high ar

crushing blow and parablow are just better! one hander would be a waste, too. Get a big fucking weapon and two-shot people.. once you've learned some it's gonna be tears (and fun)
The last IBD that was raffled was used on a Val Katana. I'm a bit biased towards axes since i'm a LJ'r. In my experience i have come across more PK mages than dexxers, so that crushing blow is a really nice complement to a very powerful weapon.


I would bless a Exceptional/Indestructible/Vanquishing/Supremely Accurate Bow. Boss Archer Alert!

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Arch Enemy

Heavy xbow actually has the highest potential damage in one shot, but I've yet to see a perfectly crafted one. I've been looking to buy one myself for quite some time. Would be funny to see.


Heavy xbow actually has the highest potential damage in one shot, but I've yet to see a perfectly crafted one. I've been looking to buy one myself for quite some time. Would be funny to see.

I own the heavy you would probably want to bless but the perfect "bless worthy" bows, i know there are 3 atleast.

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Whatever you do please do not bless a two-hander. You will regret it, undoubtedly.

The specials may be tempting but the more a blessed val runic stays in hand the better. Carry aggy two-handers to compliment or something ;)
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Whatever you do please do not bless a two-hander. You will regret it, undoubtedly.

The specials may be tempting but the more a blessed val runic stays in hand the better. Carry aggy two-handers to compliment or something ;)
better overall dps because no unequip for pots, or?
would 1 hander be more of a all rounder, or better for pvm over pvp?
dang I really need to roll a new char and figure all this out

Baby Blue

I'd bless a valorite runic war hammer or valorite runic spear. I wouldn't even think about other items. Although blessing another pvm bow would be better for the shard. Also valorite runic war hammer will be worth a lot more than blessed pvm bow.

Perhaps bless a pair of nice sandals. So many choices... can't go wrong with it, right? Just bless whatever you want and listen whoever you want.
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Whatever you do please do not bless a two-hander. You will regret it, undoubtedly.

The specials may be tempting but the more a blessed val runic stays in hand the better. Carry aggy two-handers to compliment or something ;)

dumb shit. When was the last time you PVPed? Don't listen to this. One-handers have their place, yea. But a normal power/vanq 1-hander (kryss/warfork/sword) is SUFFICIENT. You want a blessed TWOHANDER, because they CAN FUCKING ONE-SHOT OR MAYBE 2-SHOT PEOPLE. Also LMAO regarding the "BLESS A BOW OR HEAVY X-BOW"-comments. Listen to the somewhat good players like myself and bless a war hammer or a spear. Valo runic, ofcourse. It's the best weapons in game, why go with anything else?
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