you werent in discord for the 60 seconds of announcement. sorry!So yesterday I log into the game - I've been unable to connect much due to some health issues.. 3-4 days, nothing serious... And wow, it looks like the two new capture points were removed? or were they just moved? I see two new silver vendors for season 1 & season 2? Are these new militia vendors? Is this the new currency, are we trying to eat up the old currency? I don't have a clue what is happening with Militias anymore, from a 3-4 day reprieve? That's just wrong. Why do changes have to be so willy nilly? why are things implemented, and tore out immediately without any heads up to people? This isn't a way to run a server, no one even knows what game they are playing when they log in anymore..
I'm all for changing things when they need changing, but communication has to happen with those changes, a heads up things have changed.