The Potential of Militias


So yesterday I log into the game - I've been unable to connect much due to some health issues.. 3-4 days, nothing serious... And wow, it looks like the two new capture points were removed? or were they just moved? I see two new silver vendors for season 1 & season 2? Are these new militia vendors? Is this the new currency, are we trying to eat up the old currency? I don't have a clue what is happening with Militias anymore, from a 3-4 day reprieve? That's just wrong. Why do changes have to be so willy nilly? why are things implemented, and tore out immediately without any heads up to people? This isn't a way to run a server, no one even knows what game they are playing when they log in anymore..

I'm all for changing things when they need changing, but communication has to happen with those changes, a heads up things have changed.
you werent in discord for the 60 seconds of announcement. sorry!


I didn't announce it at all. I tried two new capture points and only one guild was capturing them. Someone asked if they could spend their silver so i moved the vendors out to where they could get to them. Its not a whole new game when i move two items and two vendors.....


I didn't announce it at all. I tried two new capture points and only one guild was capturing them. Someone asked if they could spend their silver so i moved the vendors out to where they could get to them. Its not a whole new game when i move two items and two vendors.....
Sort of just yanking your chain there. The changes he mentioned are seriously unimportant so I agree that they don't need to be pointed out.

However I have mentioned that Staff to Player communication could be improved. The recent wand/firehorn graphic/thread staff created was a great example of how to move forward in communicating changes and I applaud that.


Ok you are right, those are minor changes - but the reality is, a person wouldn't know that because the track record here is a lack of communication at best. I'd love to see it be better, I'd love to understand the status of systems like Militias, I suppose I was hopeful there had finally been some progress beyond the things I mentioned, but in the end it sounds like now almost 2 months since the roll out, nothing has still changed?

I'm not sure which I'm more perplexed at, the fact that nothing has change, or the fact that I thought something had changed that wasn't communicated....

PS. You tried two new capture points, for 3 days - without ever making an announcement about them - how much support did you think you were going to get out of it? I did capture the point once myself, and saw Lawl and another guild on it, so I know it was more than one guild..

Ace Mason

It really comes down to the fact that the capture points alone aren't enough. You can't put in 2 capture points and say "ok guys, go pvp for those points". It needs to be a well implemented, well thought out, well rounded system. Piecing a few things together isn't going to motivate guilds to group up and fight for something.


For the record: I acknowledge that I'm a PvP nobody and shouldn't have an opinion here.

Also, this suggestion will get decimated. Ah well.

In my opinion, it's not that militias is bad or anything. It's that UOF PvP is worn, exhausting, and caters to a specific type of player. It's not having more options for the same PvP, but having different options. Different kinds of PvP.

Example: add a requirement for militias that each character must have a GM crafting skill, as well as two other crafting-related skills (lore, or I.D., or something). No, crafting doesn't matter in all of this, but consuming skill slots and seeing diverse PvP builds does matter. (In my opinion, it fits the concept of what a militia should be: the 'common folk' banding together and combining their abilities against the threat.)

The portion of the population that tries to avoid PvP is doing so because the PvP techniques are boring. Different builds. Templates with weaknesses. No potions or horns. It won't appeal to the PvP hardcore, which is perfect. Open something up for everyone else.


Your right - i wouldn't be for that, but I do like what you are trying to suggest here. But I think you are wrong, the portion of the population that tries to avoid PvP, are only interested in pixels, freedom of choice, and occasional fighting, they don't want to be killed by reds daily, or at risk at all times. Many don't have the first clue of even how to PvP ,that accounts for a large portion of the population.

If you were to say, a portion of the PvP'rs that are avoiding PvP right now, are doing so because the PvP techniques are boring, then I'd say you are accurate.

Btw - doesn't look like Militias is in store for much love over the next few weeks - t-maps, mibs, new raffle... Same old Militias :(


That's exactly my point: many who play UOF experienced (and enjoyed) a level of PvP on UO servers years ago. UOF PvP is NOT that PvP. PvP here is worn, boring, and caters to gank squads and those who rely on assist programs. It appeals to the few who enjoy such things, and the others want nothing to do with it.

Instead of taking that same PvP and changing the battleground, that PvP needs to be changed. I'm not suggesting changing all of UOF PvP - there are definitely players who enjoy it - but provide a different option for those that want nothing to do with it.


It's been a while since any improvements with Militias, and those were mainly QOL improvements, on the shell of the system in place. Would love to see some Militias love.


In the absence of a compelling consensual system, I'm content to PvM, and fight the reds when they come around, but beating up on PvM templates with a PvP template isn't really my idea of a good time. To each their own, I'll wait for the compelling consensual PvP system - Militias when it receives improvements
In the absence of a compelling consensual system, I'm content to PvM, and fight the reds when they come around, but beating up on PvM templates with a PvP template isn't really my idea of a good time. To each their own, I'll wait for the compelling consensual PvP system - Militias when it receives improvements

If militias is supposedly "consensual pvp", then why do they spend the majority of their time running away from fights or sitting in safe zones?


Silver currency needs to come back with silver vendors, dying to militia enemy should only take 10% of your bounty points, bring militia armor In with 25 points per piece, move the capture stone from minax base to a more open area aka top bowl of Destard or put it in Khaldun the "PvP dungeon" in the boss room, have a chance to be rewarded with a militia item when you kill someone or capture a point, add militias items that can be crafted.

Basically factions......


It really comes down to the fact that the capture points alone aren't enough. You can't put in 2 capture points and say "ok guys, go pvp for those points". It needs to be a well implemented, well thought out, well rounded system. Piecing a few things together isn't going to motivate guilds to group up and fight for something.

Why you Can't? non casual PvPers only want to test themselves vs other PvPers and become bettter, they don't need particular motivations, but some little achievements like in all the games (better title, silver) they will fight just for the fun of it, Motivations are a bit 'overwhelmed' in the game design science,plus they cant be scheduled scientifly becouse every person tends to have his own different motivations, what's more important is the feeling that playng a game create into our brain.
Tetris has the same monotone gameplay, it will make you loose sooner or later without achieving nothign apart a better score, yet it was played for a long time by all the world.
Girana and his team are very well established in the shard, they have 400 mils each, best houses, best pets, best goodies, yet they keep harassing nabs at the champs,trowing SHADE and HATE To the pvpers cathegory, but trust me they are not achieving anything they don't have access yet,unfortunly is just that they have fun executing tamers at champs (easy kills) so they can troll them on discords/ forum showing theyr drops, when they should keep theyr 7-8 pvpers team in voice call, fighting in brit vs other pvp teams.

I'll Repeat what's the main problem, becouse more treads about pvp i see, more i see confusion:
Unhappiness in a mmorpg community starts when players of a single cathegory start 'fuckin' (hate to use that verb, but it matches perfectly) with players of others categories, exactly what girana's guild is doing, THEN DISCORDS WILL MAKE THE REST.
Peav and Manfro are two real pvpers, they lol each other after every fight, they call eachother nab after everyfight, but then they restock and coemback more and more without any hard feeling.. they are fighter they dont get offended and they keep doing what they like, still Peav will message manfro when he wants to pvp,even if they been trolling each other, as manfro will do, even if they look as they hate each other if u'd se theyr conversations,theyll build mutual respect, caz they know they need each other to find entertainment, becouse as PvPers they have same goals/expectatiosn from the game.

What is really pushing this nice concorrence OVER THE LIMIT is discords, some idiot will post there some kills, or will spamm MY GUILD WINS AGAIN! just to have the sensation of havin his small peXXs going bigger for a moment, but there start the problems: DISCORDS IS A PUBBLIC PLATFORM WITH A LOT OF PEOPLE , WITH DIFFERENT SENSIBILITY, AND ITS GOING TO SHOW ANYONE THAT TRASHTALK OUTSIDE OF HIS OWN CATHEGORY WHERE IT SHOULD STAY, AND BE TOLLERATED.
Exemple im a thief, i just stole a DS relic worth 10 mils, if a pk will kill me ill go mad, if a thief resteals it from me i'll go mad, but in the second case, i'll be a bit lesser mad. Don't ask me why, it's like our brain works only.

A thief will be fighting anotehr thief,
PvMers will be fighting PvMers,
a worker will be fighting a worker (dropping prices, putting more vendors etc)
and everything will be good.

When 10 pvpers on the call will go fight Orks and Knights on foot while they are role playng..... (EQMS STYLE)
or When 10 pvpers on the call will go fight pvm teams with ladies and children... doing a champ on theyr own (VANQ STYLE)
This will destroy armony in the life of the shard.

So @eppy @Shane Or you will create trammel, and kill defintly the shard, becouse cathegorizes here are small, not enough players to populate fel/tram..
Or you build a -->pubblic<-- anti-abuse fairplay balanced pvp system, once we have that consensual good pvp going all day it will be harder for anyone to raid a champ, there will be less hate on pvpers, and noone torturing other cathegorizes.
Then you should SILENCE discords, what you doing there is crazy autogoal man, Shittalking should stay private or ingame where it disappear.......or just BAnn from discords all those who talking about ingame life (WE WIN AGAIN, YOU LOOSE AGAIN, WE ARE STRONG YOUR ARE WEAK etc etc) this is pubblic toxicity and still you let people do it on your channel all day.


Manfro, one thing I see you commonly leave out of the conversation, or seem to miss in regards to your categories of people, are the large number of people who identify with 2 or more of the categories. UO is a game based upon freedom of choice, with many ways to play it.. There are better PvM games out there, better PvP games out there, I'd be hard pressed to say better crafting games, but there are few games that have all the diversity under one game. And that's what a lot of people come to play UO for.

So when you suggest that PvM'rs shouldn't mess with PvP systems, I believe you are wrong. Because those PvM'rs, may very well enjoy PvP too, and if the larger population would be more interested in a system like PvP, if it saw changes they were interested in, than shouldn't the system be catered towards the majority?


Manfro, one thing I see you commonly leave out of the conversation, or seem to miss in regards to your categories of people, are the large number of people who identify with 2 or more of the categories.

that normal for elitist pvpers

if you dont run around on sallos pressing target closest you are not a pvper.