So how is it?

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I think i found the problem.

Yeah p-pot scripts and sallos were only a part of UO when i joined here on UOF. The majority of my PvP experience doesn't rely on these ***** crutches like some of you.

Im sorry i dont consider Purple pot script throwing and sallos a part of UO i want to adapt to (LIKE MANY OTHERS). You fucktards think you know it all lol. But thats because you like those crutches of yours and 90% of you morons would be absolute trash without p-pot scripts and sallos.

Talkin about todays youth lol baseball dad. The ones your talking about are the pks and trolls of video games like yourself. Pking and PvP in every ounce of your spare time so you can feel tough(ROFL) hiding behind a monitor and a keyboard gives you an escape from yur snowflake life for a bit. Bringing others down makes you feel better about yurself. But yeah you keep pretending yur some kind a class clown bad ass. Rofl


Id like to think i have a little skill in PvP. Been playing since September of 1997 PvP/PvM. Id be PvPing a hellova a lot more here if P-pots and sallos werent pretty much a requirement to compete. I dont find either of them appealing and i am pretty sure a good % of the pop on this server would rather recall than PvP because of those two reasons as well. I mean i thought you PvPr's want more action and more people to to participate. At least ive heard a lot of ya's complain about it.

Anyway it was good to vent. Got my opinion out, not that it really matters but hey sometimes ya gotta speak yur mind :)
You know when I came back to UO around 2010 or so, I really thought the same about myself since I had done nothing but PVP back on OSI back in '98-'01.

The truth is (and I found out the second I tried to pvp and got dirted) that PVP has evolved greatly since back in the day. Some of it on the server side (like the addition of exp pots and special moves but nothing else new) and some of it with the third party clients we use today.

Games evolve and we as players need to learn to evolve with it - its the only way you will truly enjoy the game. I learned I had to, and so does everyone else -- some just take longer than others to accept it.


I agree with game evolution to a certain point. But once its evolves to much or in the wrong direction it pretty much kills the game for those who enjoy it for what it is/was (Not saying this is the case on UOF at all so far). Like what happened to the original UO. Lets face it most of us here are here because we enjoy this game that went live in 97 (21 years ago) and it still feels for the most part like the same game we fell in love with then here on UOF in many many ways! With a lot of great custom content that just feels like how UO should feel and such great staff and community!. You cant find games like this anymore! Mostly garbage out there.

But game evolution isn't really the point here. Some of these third party clients just shouldn't be allowed and p-pots have become overpowered with all these folks that have it mostly scripted or it has as they say become "second nature" because they use em constantly. I am not saying get rid of them, they just need some adjusting imho. How do you tell when something is OP? When every pvper and there dog is using it. (ex) Give dexers 100% hit chance and every pvper will be a dexer.

As for Razor, Steam, Sallos... why support 3 different third party clients in the first place? It creates divides and confusion when we all should be on the same level playing field save for real experience, skill and other in-game factors. Razor and Steam seem fine for the most part although i prefer Razor but sallos changes the game up to much for performance and makes UO look like pooooop imo. But it definitely gives an advantage over those that do not use it and ya cant tell me it doesn't or pvprs wouldn't be using it.

But alas i and i am sure many others would settle for a good nerf on p-pots. At least then id be dirt napping some pks now and then. Cant get rid of sallos or the Nancy's of the pvp/pk community would probably leave and UO does need pk's and pvp no doubt about it!

Over and out!


I agree with game evolution to a certain point. But once its evolves to much or in the wrong direction it pretty much kills the game for those who enjoy it for what it is/was (Not saying this is the case on UOF at all so far). Like what happened to the original UO. Lets face it most of us here are here because we enjoy this game that went live in 97 (21 years ago) and it still feels for the most part like the same game we fell in love with then here on UOF in many many ways! With a lot of great custom content that just feels like how UO should feel and such great staff and community!. You cant find games like this anymore! Mostly garbage out there.

But game evolution isn't really the point here. Some of these third party clients just shouldn't be allowed and p-pots have become overpowered with all these folks that have it mostly scripted or it has as they say become "second nature" because they use em constantly. I am not saying get rid of them, they just need some adjusting imho. How do you tell when something is OP? When every pvper and there dog is using it. (ex) Give dexers 100% hit chance and every pvper will be a dexer.

As for Razor, Steam, Sallos... why support 3 different third party clients in the first place? It creates divides and confusion when we all should be on the same level playing field save for real experience, skill and other in-game factors. Razor and Steam seem fine for the most part although i prefer Razor but sallos changes the game up to much for performance and makes UO look like pooooop imo. But it definitely gives an advantage over those that do not use it and ya cant tell me it doesn't or pvprs wouldn't be using it.

But alas i and i am sure many others would settle for a good nerf on p-pots. At least then id be dirt napping some pks now and then. Cant get rid of sallos or the Nancy's of the pvp/pk community would probably leave and UO does need pk's and pvp no doubt about it!

Over and out!

You might as well give up… this has been talked about forever and nothing ever changes.

Aside from group syncs/stuns UOF PVP is 100% reliant on who has the most and who the best at throwing. It’s not just an assistant thing either… like the aussie said he does it all manual.
As for Razor, Steam, Sallos... why support 3 different third party clients in the first place? It creates divides and confusion when we all should be on the same level playing field save for real experience, skill and other in-game factors. Razor and Steam seem fine for the most part although i prefer Razor but sallos changes the game up to much for performance and makes UO look like pooooop imo. But it definitely gives an advantage over those that do not use it and ya cant tell me it doesn't or pvprs wouldn't be using it.

Sallos actually slows down running, limits pot range, and is impossible to automate pots on unless you have a hacked client or something. Steam is easy to automate pots on.


Yep i am bad when it comes to how you guys play today no doubt. But once again you use crutches to play. I play manually for the most part.... kinda how the game was intended to play. lol.


i can say the auto targeting for pots is a downside as it isn't exactly fair. You should have to manually load up your pot macro and as it times down manually target to throw it at the right time. With some scripts out there today, it auto throws them. I know some way to combat/fix this and it might be something we will look into.

Thank you for your input for sure. What people don't understand fully is something like this instantly separates those who want to get into pvp from those who know everything about pvp.

Yeah thats me all deluded and stuff. :rolleyes:

Ive said enough on the subject i suppose. Only time will tell. But eventually you guys gotta know there is gonna be a p-pot nerf. lol


Yep i am bad when it comes to how you guys play today no doubt. But once again you use crutches to play. I play manually for the most part.... kinda how the game was intended to play. lol.

Is it really the mechanic of purple pots and the 3 shitty dexers that use a script for throwing them standing in your way of adapting to this ruleset?


Yeah p-pot scripts and sallos were only a part of UO when i joined here on UOF. The majority of my PvP experience doesn't rely on these ***** crutches like some of you.

Im sorry i dont consider Purple pot script throwing and sallos a part of UO i want to adapt to (LIKE MANY OTHERS). You fucktards think you know it all lol. But thats because you like those crutches of yours and 90% of you morons would be absolute trash without p-pot scripts and sallos.

Talkin about todays youth lol baseball dad. The ones your talking about are the pks and trolls of video games like yourself. Pking and PvP in every ounce of your spare time so you can feel tough(ROFL) hiding behind a monitor and a keyboard gives you an escape from yur snowflake life for a bit. Bringing others down makes you feel better about yurself. But yeah you keep pretending yur some kind a class clown bad ass. Rofl

dude, you're a fucking idiot. Y'all argue about game mechanics and your arguments are IRL insults. How fucking stupid.


TL;DR thread:

Let's make changes because I play manually and people using macros are way better.

fucking disgusting that players like this even get a admins response which probably thought you are a serious player not a casual clicker without macros and young status saved on third account for your favourite motm to be waited for.


Rofl. Same old same old. Always the same few.

Peace guys. If only more people came to voice an opinion. But they meet you guys and stay the f away from forums after.

And my apologies for the r/l insults. Guess baseball dad triggered me with his BS. Mission accomplished dude ;)

And peav all this just sailed right over yur head didnt it? Not suprised.

I dont blame you guys. People like me threaten your (minority) game style while the majority of players just have to suck it up and deal with it.. So get all defensive, tell everyone els they need to adapt to your shitty tactics blah blah blah. Sorry your lives revolve around the forums and UO and thats why you get so defensive over your crap 3rd party client, scripts, and crutches. You guys dont know what real UO is anymore or never did.


*Retreats from forums for another few months*


Rofl. Same old same old. Always the same few.

Peace guys. If only more people came to voice an opinion. But they meet you guys and stay the f away from forums after.

And my apologies for the r/l insults. Guess baseball dad triggered me with his BS. Mission accomplished dude ;)

And peav all this just sailed right over yur head didnt it? Not suprised.

I dont blame you guys. People like me threaten your (minority) game style while the majority of players just have to suck it up and deal with it.. So get all defensive, tell everyone els they need to adapt to your shitty tactics blah blah blah. Sorry your lives revolve around the forums and UO and thats why you get so defensive over your crap 3rd party client, scripts, and crutches. You guys dont know what real UO is anymore or never did.


*Retreats from forums for another few months*

There's something here you seem to not see. Let me explain it to you! We "minority players" are the PVPers. We are accountable for about 80% of the PVP that goes down daily. Obviously, we like our PVP to be in a certain way and we love what we've been playing for the last 15 years (yes, most freeshards had a pvp system that was very similar to UOF's!). So ofcourse there is a minority of PVM player who maybe think that explopots are some sort of a crutch and can only be thrown by utilizing some sort of obscure macro/script but fact is: those people would never PVP in the first place, anyways. So go ahead, "force" Staff into changing something that has run smoothly for the better part of this game's existance. But please don't be surprised when all PVPers wander off / quit playing and this Server slowly dies. For an UO server to be successful, you need all kinds of players. PVPers, PKs, PVMers, crafters etc. I do not create threads about how stoopid strong lvl 7 meta pets are, or how unfair it is that without having some sort of a meta character my chances at a relic (and thus MEGA MILLZ) is equivalent to zero. But hey, that's PVM content and I do not have a clue about it. Which is why I prefer to stay silent.Why don't you stop discussing topics you do not know shit about, too?


If purple pots are the counter to running, what's the counter to purple pots? Throwing them yourselves isn't a counter.

I didn't know about running back towards the pot and thrower to share damage. But that doesn't seem feasible for a mage or Archer to run back at a melee dexxer. So that's a shitty counter.

Also pks will almost always have the advantage of surprise. So even running just to get healed up and fight back seems pointless as the pots will just fly.

I too think they are way op here. Not everyone should be forced to use purple pots and a Decent counter would be nice. Is that too much to ask?


Meta pets encourage donation to the server for dono coin to sell for gold... So do the talismans. Not saying i like meta pets and yeah they are stupid strong no doubt and no i dont have a tamer but i get the point of meta's here. I doubt p-pots encourage much donations for dono coin. If you think all PVPers would wonder off at a change to p-pots then that proves a pretty big point right there. But i highly doubt that would happen. Maybe a handful would leave. But i guarantee more current and new players would step up to take up that space and quite possibly more.

Double the timer on p-pots. Problem solved :) *Braces for impact* lolz

Ok really im seriously done here now. For realz


Who plays a fel only server and cares about dying? Maybe you confuse me with your guildies or something. And yes I see your list. I have pvped plenty on official servers. Which btw has a more complex pvp system than here. But trammel is lame.

Purple potions are a shit mechanic. Because it's so necessary. That's not good balance. Anyways. What's wrong with utilizing some of the under utilized skills like parrying etc?

They need some kind of better balance than they have now. It's just not an enjoyable mechanic to play against. Yes it gets kills. But how fucking uninventive.


Uo was never praised for it's great pvp mechanics. It's the sandbox part that made it so awesome.

So the pvp is just old and not very good. That is what it is. But we could use some minor revamps on some of the skills. Complexity adds dimension, challenge and fun.

Many pvpers here are like all the cod players that think they are great at fps games. Most really aren't innovative players. They just follow a formula and it works. Which imo is kinda boring.

So again why not add some better counters as far as skills go? The only reason I see not to. Is balance issues. Which is tough. But still doable.
And my apologies for the r/l insults. Guess baseball dad triggered me with his BS. Mission accomplished dude ;)

Don't apologize, I've been making leftist's and snow flakes trigger since the 90's. Triggers are often caused when cold hard facts get in the way of their (idealist) emotions.
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