WTS Shard's First Valorite Runic Crafting Services!!!


Good Morning Everyone!!

This morning, I've completed the first Valorite Runic Hammer BOD and have collected and safely stored the Hammer. Now its time to have some fun for those out there. I will be auctioning off a single swing of the hammer. For those who would like a Valorite Runic crafted item, this is your chance to have the first one made on the server. I've not used the hammer yet. I will also refrain from swinging again for 7 days so that what is won can be savored. Payment will be required in advance (don't want someone backing out if for some gawd awful reason it doesn't come out exceptional)

What is being auctioned:

1. One Swing of the Hammer - item is chosen by the winner
2. 10 repair contracts from a Legendary Smith (me!)
3. Item will be infused to max capacity with powder of fortifying.

I will run the auction for a minimum of three days. If bidding is heated for 3 days, I will either set a 24 hour after last bid or an actual time set.

Starting Bid will be 300k. This is the current price for Agapite Runic Weapons. There is no buy out price. Increments will be at 25k please.

I've attached a screen shot of the hammer for proof of its existence. I'd also like to thank my fellow smiths that helped. Especially Dwayne who was more than fair in our dealings.

Winning Bid: alvaradolesanchez @ 2 mil
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Nice, congrats!

Might I recommend using an ancient hammer in conjunction with the runic to enure 100% exc!

Linking an image can be done in the menu bar with text formatting options or by typing (img)img url(/img)...... (except with brackets [ my close bracket just broke)


ah - i used to be able to attach. and yes. AH will be used. my current is a +10. i am working on others.