Poison Fencer Template


I'm wondering what a good template would be for a Poison Fencer. My current skill set is:

100 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anat
100 Eval
100 Poison

Wondering what other skills I should stack on there, if any... or if there are some replacements skills I need to drop. It's my first time attempting one, so any help would be awesome.


100 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Healing
100 Resisting Spells
100 Poisoning
100 Alchemy
20 Magery



How do I do 720 without powerscrolls?

What are the benefits of Alchemy with poisoning? an 80 Resist, 80 heal, 80 Alchemy with a 60 parry be worth thinking about?

Tard the Paladin

You must use PS for 720 unless that's been changed recently.

I'm assuming that you are creating this template for a PvP dexer. This seems obvious because alchy and poisoning are negligible for PvM purposes.

For starters, if you haven't built this template then perhaps consider the dexer changes that @Adam has discussed. He's mentioned that lumberjacking will become a beast. A similar boost to poisoning is also warranted IMO. Currently, most PvP dexers run GM magery in lieu of GM poisoning. Poisoning does provide a boost but its arguably a waste of a skill slot. Some say the same about lumberjacking in its current form. However, lumberjacking will soon become a great use of a skill slot for a PvP dexer. It might not be surprising if it becomes THE PvP dexer template.

One handed weapons do let you chug pots. Poisoning does increase your chance to poison. These are the benefits of a 1-handed poison alchy dexer. I love my non-magery alchy poison sword toon. He deals a lot of damage. However, I totally see why most similar templates drop poison for magery. Magery is especially good for the red pvp dexers that need to cast invis to avoid a gank squad. Hitting your heals or pre-casting ebolt can be useful as well. Overall usefulness is probably on the side of choosing magery.

There's not a big enough difference between using a poisoned weapon with the poisoning skill versus without it. Deadly poison is usually cured instantly. Deadly poisoned weapons without poisoning are still very useful and hold the same amount of poison charges. So basically, most of the benefits of poisoning is still available without using a whole skill slot. That magery skill slot does wonders to keep you alive.


The benefit of using poisoning on your character instead of on a mule character is that you have 40% chance to apply poison instead of 20% and you can reapply poison on your weapon on the fly. Not worth 100 skill points if you ask me.

100 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Healing
100 Resisting Spells
100 Magery
100 Alchemy

90 91 44

This is what i would run.


While I agree with many of the above posts questioning the usefulness of poisoning, the reality is that you already spent the time, effort, and gold GM'ing it. So I would just play it out for a bit and see if you can make something enjoyable out of a poisoning template. If you find it not useful, I'd almost suggest leaving the char alone and making a new dexxer (they are so quick to make), and hope that the Poisoning skill gets a bump in the future. Unless you need the character slot.

I think there needs to be more info to provide an informed answer. Namely, what is the purpose of this character? PvM? PvP? Pking? Relevant for PvM and PvP?

If PvM, then it really does lack some usefulness. You might consider getting a beserker talisman with the infected wounds relic. But I can't at all speak to its efficacy. All I know is there is supposed to be an advantage to having a high poisoning skill. I'd do some research first.

If PKing, this is probably where the skill is most effective in the current meta. In that case, you'll want 100 anat / tactics / resist / heal / poisoning / alchemy and whatever fighting skill. Very simple strategy here: chase them down with a deadly poisoned vanq weapon and blast explosion pots at them constantly.

If PvPing, probably the same template as above with the same strategy honestly. If group fighting you'd probably want to switch to a long/short spear for para blows. But in 1v1 situations against good players, I guess you're hoping for a game of attrition where you wipe out their cure pots.

I wouldn't drop down to 80 healing. I tried that once and it failed too often. I have a char with 90 healing and even then I get annoyed at the occasional fail.

There are no benefits to having alchemy in conjunction with poisoning. They are unrelated. Unless you count being able to make poison potions on the fly. But honestly, you'll want a stack of poison pots pre-made so you don't have to deal with it. Alchemy provides explosion potions that do dmg. Great for PvP and PKing. Not worth it for anything PvM.


I had one on uoforever that I loved to play. I liked doing tournaments with him. A lot of people don't know that having poisoning increases the chance to apply the poison. This was my build:

100 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Healing
100 Resisting Spells
100 Magery
100 Meditation

I was almost impossible to kill in a 1v1 and at some point you WILL run out of cure potions. Even pure dexxers couldn't power through the poison. It was also fun in group PvP, everyone loved the strong poisons in combination with their dumps.
  • The increase chance to inflict by having GM poisoning is a huge advantage, regardless how small the percentages look.
  • Magery should never be left off any PvP template
  • The point to poisoning your enemy is not to get damage off the poison, but to block their heals or interrupt them so they have to drink pots.
  • The point of alchemy is to increase damage on explosion potions, which really is to deal interrupting damage and give range damage.
  • Meditation on a dexxor is worthless.

Dwyane Wade

I run:

100 fence tact anat heal resist poison magery

I prefer magery for a few reasons. Recall, gate (if needed), poison, cure, heal, greater heal, weaken.

I guess you could lower to 50-60 magery, use powerscrolls to 720 cap, and put those extra points into another skill (alchy? hiding?), but I prefer to just have it 100

90/90/45 stats


Thanks guys, I was thinking about this as a PvM MetaDexer template with a decent ability to defend against the random PK. Currently I'm running 2 weapons, I start off with a 1 hand DP kryss for quick strikes, once poisoned I swap it for a short spear for damage and para blows.

I've noticed that the DP tends to last for quite a bit and does a decent amount of damage, but it is discouraging that many monsters are immune to the effects. It's also kind of lame that there's no difference in curability between a weak poison and a deadly poison. A cure's a cure. It may actually apply even at GM 1 out of 10 strikes, but can be insta-nerfed by a cure pot or spell. It's one of the reasons I've strayed away from using it for PvP (besides the fact I'm absolutely horrible at it).

I thought I had read that poisoning+magery gives the ability for poison to cast as DP and cause increased damage, though I'm not sure if that is true or not.

Another question would be, can you poison while snooping? Can you poison things like orange petals? That'd be interesting if you can poison someone's supplies...

This gives me a few ideas and things to think about.


Thanks guys, I was thinking about this as a PvM MetaDexer template with a decent ability to defend against the random PK. Currently I'm running 2 weapons, I start off with a 1 hand DP kryss for quick strikes, once poisoned I swap it for a short spear for damage and para blows.

I've noticed that the DP tends to last for quite a bit and does a decent amount of damage, but it is discouraging that many monsters are immune to the effects. It's also kind of lame that there's no difference in curability between a weak poison and a deadly poison. A cure's a cure. It may actually apply even at GM 1 out of 10 strikes, but can be insta-nerfed by a cure pot or spell. It's one of the reasons I've strayed away from using it for PvP (besides the fact I'm absolutely horrible at it).

I thought I had read that poisoning+magery gives the ability for poison to cast as DP and cause increased damage, though I'm not sure if that is true or not.

Another question would be, can you poison while snooping? Can you poison things like orange petals? That'd be interesting if you can poison someone's supplies...

This gives me a few ideas and things to think about.

To cure DP it can take a few cure pots.

You can't manipulate objects in others backpacks through snooping other than stealing.

Here is some info on the boost to the poison spell from the wiki;

At GM Poisoning:
The Poison spell has the ability to cast greater poison at any distance and a 10% chance to cast deadly poison within 3 tiles of target
The Poison spell will inflict poison 100% (cannot be resisted)


To cure DP it can take a few cure pots.

You can't manipulate objects in others backpacks through snooping other than stealing.

Here is some info on the boost to the poison spell from the wiki;

At GM Poisoning:
The Poison spell has the ability to cast greater poison at any distance and a 10% chance to cast deadly poison within 3 tiles of target
The Poison spell will inflict poison 100% (cannot be resisted)
This ^^ is all correct. One more thing to note. While cure pots have a 80% chance to cure DP, the spell Cure at GM magery has 100% chance to cure poison.