PLEASE do not punish all reds.

Do all reds need to be punished?

  • Make the red penalty stronger to hurt the non zerging pks.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Find a solution to combat the EQMS zerg.

    Votes: 41 71.9%

  • Total voters


Please do not punish all reds on this server because EQMS is ZERGing you have had the same red system that has worked for 4 years. If anything this new system is going to push out more players rather than combat eqms zerg. something needs to be dont about them not the server as a whole. eqms barley dies any way and when they do that have 12 players to grab the head. so getting the head is even harder. please come up with a better solution.

Yoko Kurama

Where is the choice to keep it a Felucia server, and not change anything? Things on UOF are is so timid compared to OSI Felucia. I guess none of you guys were around pre-trammel? This server is half trammel already, if you are going to even consider something like this, just make it trammel and be done with it.


Please do not punish all reds on this server because EQMS is ZERGing you have had the same red system that has worked for 4 years. If anything this new system is going to push out more players rather than combat eqms zerg. something needs to be dont about them not the server as a whole. eqms barley dies any way and when they do that have 12 players to grab the head. so getting the head is even harder. please come up with a better solution.

What "new system" are you referring to? Was there a change implemented regarding Reds recently?


OSI Felucia had real stat loss, not this crap. There's no real solution yet on making reds risk and reward. Even if there was real stat loss, people could macro up characters in maybe 6 or so hours? plus stat scrolls you could have a new character completely maxxed in no time.


OSI Felucia had real stat loss, not this crap. There's no real solution yet on making reds risk and reward. Even if there was real stat loss, people could macro up characters in maybe 6 or so hours? plus stat scrolls you could have a new character completely maxxed in no time.

I'm not a fan of perma-stat loss for pks. They deal with just as many, if not more, dangers as other non-reds. I don't think one big change would be healthy; hyperexpansive policy can really set you up for disappointment, and while I've enjoyed enjoyed the stance of being able to revert a change if it doesn't work.... I feel even that could lead to time-related losses for both players and staff.

Instead, I think multiple small changes show the potential to work well when coupled with other ideas. More incentive for blues, such as the bounty board, may work wonders also. It all comes down to pixels. Blues don't want to fight back against reds because they benefit the most by playing defensively against them- i.e. defending spawns, hiding to get a relic/scroll out, and the such. Push them towards hunting reds, with boons extending beyond "Won't see that guy for 48 hours".

A faction-like point systems for reds and blues may not be a bad idea either. Having a bounty hunter vendor with pixels or the ability to get exclusive titles related to killing reds could be cool.


Where is the choice to keep it a Felucia server, and not change anything? Things on UOF are is so timid compared to OSI Felucia. I guess none of you guys were around pre-trammel? This server is half trammel already, if you are going to even consider something like this, just make it trammel and be done with it.
there is a difference between going to the dungeon and taking a risk of getting pk's by a lone pk or maybe 1-5 doing pk runs. but it is suicide to go to a champ and 10-20 reds come running in and pretty much take away what people have spent the last hour working on. thats not even pvping running in pre loaded or ebolts rails. right now most pks have multiple toons 3-8 reds spread across 3 accounts, die and get stated on one come back on another toon. no stopping them. we as tamers or any other blue that goes into a dungeon take a chance and risk of getting pk'd while farming, then so should PKs. take a risk of a much harsher punishment then there is now. maybe even a account wide stat loss might work, but then again, we dont want to stop all pking. wouldnt be fun if there wasnt any risk, and dont want to chase away tamers. blues or pk all alike. But something does need done.


Whatever happened to guilds or alliances bringing their own red's to defend the spawns from all comers? Maybe we could look at implementing the Justice skill and have protection at spawns to increase PS drops. Maybe some kind of formula where the protector needs to start the spawn and be involved in working it. Any red's then under his protection would then be eligible to receive a protection scroll drop in his backpack if his guild is successful in finishing the spawn. Might that be incentive enough for guilds to recruit/ally groups of red's to fight for their cause?


I'd say a good start will be removing head buy back on turn in and maybe increasing the max stat loss by some more 24-48h

Soul Mate

Please do not punish all reds on this server because EQMS is ZERGing you have had the same red system that has worked for 4 years. If anything this new system is going to push out more players rather than combat eqms zerg. something needs to be dont about them not the server as a whole. eqms barley dies any way and when they do that have 12 players to grab the head. so getting the head is even harder. please come up with a better solution.

Thank you for listening to my advice and restating the questions in a more neutral manner.
I know you tried your best with this poll. I also know what you mean but I believe you are having a bit of trouble getting your point across.
But good job.



8 hours per murder count above 5
No statloss involved
Big jail type structure on overland area, have casting mobs like the undead knight from khaldun
and some other melee types as NPC protectors, maybe even some bigger mobs aswell


You'd need 10+ people to be able to get past mobs and warden.
if you completely wipe all NPCs and blue defenders you can open up whichever jail cells
you chose, possibly freeing your friends from jail.

I tried to come up with something where maybe people could have some fun with it ....
make it easily defendable for blue trammies and such, would make some PvP action, if they can
make people PvP with PKing and Griefing and such, why not make them PvM to get rid out
of "jail" or something ....
I LOL'd so hard when I chose my answer and submitted for the poll results:

Find a solution to combat the EQMS zerg.
11 vote(s)

LOL :) :) :) :)

Yoko Kurama

there is a difference between going to the dungeon and taking a risk of getting pk's by a lone pk or maybe 1-5 doing pk runs. but it is suicide to go to a champ and 10-20 reds come running in and pretty much take away what people have spent the last hour working on. thats not even pvping running in pre loaded or ebolts rails. right now most pks have multiple toons 3-8 reds spread across 3 accounts, die and get stated on one come back on another toon. no stopping them. we as tamers or any other blue that goes into a dungeon take a chance and risk of getting pk'd while farming, then so should PKs. take a risk of a much harsher punishment then there is now. maybe even a account wide stat loss might work, but then again, we dont want to stop all pking. wouldnt be fun if there wasnt any risk, and dont want to chase away tamers. blues or pk all alike. But something does need done.

Most EQMS have 1-2, or 0 PKs...sorry, we arent POWER, we dont roll with 12 extra accounts. If you don't want a risk, go play Trammel.
I LOL'd so hard when I chose my answer and submitted for the poll results:

Find a solution to combat the EQMS zerg.
11 vote(s)

LOL :) :) :) :)

LOL 11 really whiny tram noobs that rage 24/7 voted like you did, what a coincidence.


Please do not punish all reds on this server because EQMS is ZERGing you have had the same red system that has worked for 4 years. If anything this new system is going to push out more players rather than combat eqms zerg. something needs to be dont about them not the server as a whole. eqms barley dies any way and when they do that have 12 players to grab the head. so getting the head is even harder. please come up with a better solution.
So, because we work together as a unit. We should be punished individually. Holy shit, talk about crying. This is next level. I don't even want to play on this fucking shard now.


Eqms zerging is the problem because no other guild is large enough to deal with it.

Changing statloss for harsher penalties would probably be the final nail in the coffin for pvp.

I hate what EQMS do, and I think it's pathetic. But driving up the penalties for statloss isn't the answer. Regardless of any change they will still roll 10-15 deep and rarely risk death anyway.

This shard is full of trammel tears.


So, because we work together as a unit. We should be punished individually. Holy shit, talk about crying. This is next level. I don't even want to play on this fucking shard now.
Next Level? because you ZERG everything the whole server should be punished it will only help EQMS TBH
there will be zero other reds if this happens.

lol next level crying? you just rage quit the server!



Straight from the days of the second age.

I see no reason this can't be used.

"But then it'll be harder to be red!" isn't a viable argument since that is the point.
Statloss will encourage eqms to zerg with even more numbers. Every pvper will leave UOF.

Answer this: if a guild of spastic tamers can't defend themselves or a champ spawn when statloss isn't perm.. What would change if statloss existed? If anything it'll make it worse.

You realise all of this sort of comes down to clients (auto targeting). Without auto targeting eqms would be fucking useless.