WTS Lots of different stuff!



105 animal lore
105 tailoring
105 mining
105 carpentry
105 peacemaking
105 blacksmithing
105 fishing
105 lumberjacking
105 tinkering
110 tailoring
110 carpentry
110 peacemaking
110 blacksmith
110 fishing
110 lumberjacking
110 tinkering
115 tailoring
115 carpentry
115 peacemaking
115 fishing
115 lumberjacking
115 tinkering

Taking offers on any powerscrolls i have here. pm me or message me @ FAMARA on irc.
will add more as i get them.

Statues @ Other stuff.

You can see a picture here. http://imgur.com/sJn5YCM

Sphynx statue from motm- s/b 400k

Gift certificate 2013 christmas -s/b 100k picture of choices here- http://imgur.com/92bEFjP

a recipe scroll (dimensional archway) - offer

seer's powder - offer

bloodfork (warfork) regular hue. - offer.

Also have a whole bunch of treasure maps. pm me.

Anything with a s/b will last 24-48 hours after the last bid, other things will be accepting offers through pms. or @ FAMARA in irc. thanks for your time.

27 magery ss @ 10k each or 250k for all 27
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s.b has been met for bloody water (champion artifact)

i have 11 ingenious maps atm.

not sure price a couple people pm'd me about them already. rlly need to sleep tho. just sent me a message offer or w/e


sold 110 lumberjacking/ 115 lumberjacking / 110 fishing ( more available )

parrot, ghoul , and bloody water have all been sold.