Let's do some fishing shall we!


If you figure out one piece of the puzzle the rest fall into place. You've figured out how to do it, you said so yourself.

Everybody knows azria would be loud and proud about streaming on twitch to show he doesn't take shortcuts and make the "one script at a time" claim but what do you think happened when he stopped streaming?

Same thing applies here. Can't believe everything you see.

Will be interesting to see what happens here. People were auto-looting with assist (likely a very influential reason for it being banned) and clearly you can work it out the same with razor. Only a matter of time before all the UOF "elite" are on the same page.
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All I know is I've asked about AFK Fishing in DETAIL and everyone says it's legal sooooooooooo unless I get raped by a serp or the black wind rolls up on me, i may or may not be at my computer (unless a GM tells me otherwise)


Maybe you dont understand you need to tell the GM'S how it works that they can test it bythemself. For me you are still using another third app like AutoIt to lift the Mib....


I care because a particular instance in Deceit comes to mind:

Working champ spawn with a guild, was about 5-6 of us. Flube comes in and wrecks my provo tamer (with no resist) in a hurry. My guildmates respond instantly to the point where flube never had a chance to stop moving for more than .2 seconds. In that. 2 seconds my invuln leather suit got stripped from my corpse which was absolutely LITTERED with shit. Nothing else was taken.

In the end I got my suit back because another tamer and I were able to trap him in an energy field as he tried to exit the dungeon. But still...it was horseshit.

No more horseshit.


what does flube have to do with me? he killed you so?

just fyi, i remember that champ, and i looted an invul suit ;)


Maybe you dont understand you need to tell the GM'S how it works that they can test it bythemself. For me you are still using another third app like AutoIt to lift the Mib....

Ok I'll get right on that.


This is something you're O.K. with? Why?

It's an integrity issue for me. It's lazy and disgraceful.

I'm fine with it. If you die, you're gonna get looted, who cares how long it takes? Just go restock, you died. You shouldn't go out with anything you aren't prepared to lose anyhow.. That's a guiding principle of UO pvm or pvp.

Using it to loot a monster that you killed? Oh no, don't help me loot my own loot. If it's someone else's mob, they will turn grey and can be attacked. Where is the problem?

Obviously there are ways to auto loot with razor and with uosteam. It doesn't cause any real problems, so why go through the trouble to try to ban it...

...just my two cents.


halygon is that a joke ?? Obv. a friend from him or using some Autolootingscripts byurself.
You understand AFK Ressource gathering ?
Making Money without needing to do something.
Thats what he is doing.
Otherwise he coudlnt lift 220 mibs in 4 days. and then count it up .
4 days = 220 mibs 660k
40 das = 2200 mibs 6,6 Million without doing anything.
And yea for me its a big problem.

And im still on it. That is not working without an extra Program / External Macro to Lift the Mib up and then over DropHoldingBag to catch the Mib.


only way third party program minimized into the taskbar. if there was a way to autoloot with razor, the gamemasters would block it.



halygon is that a joke ?? Obv. a friend from him or using some Autolootingscripts byurself.
You understand AFK Ressource gathering ?

I don't know who the hell he is nor do I care because that's not my point. Trying to throw me into the "cheater" rink too is a sad troll on your part.

Afk fishing in General is afk resource gathering, you are only pissed cause he's collecting MIBs along with the other junk he fishes up. As afk fishing is allowed, I don't see a problem with collecting MIBs too as that's part of fishing. Want to stop it? Have the GMs ban afk fishing.. But oh that would be just silly.

If it can be proven he's using something other than razor then that fixes your problem too, but if he's doing it through razor then I still say, who cares...


AFK Fishing is not AFK Gathering Ressources..
And that not means you can use some illegal Program's to LOOT AFK..... And with Looting AFK its AFK Gathering.

  • Use of any third party program that IS NOT Razor or AssistUO is prohibited.
  • We do not tolarate any EasyUO or Sallos users, found users will be removed from the game.
  • Any macroing resources while away from the keyboard is a bannable offense.
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what does flube have to do with me? he killed you so?

just fyi, i remember that champ, and i looted an invul suit ;)
No, you didn't. And no you didn't.

I'm fine with it. If you die, you're gonna get looted, who cares how long it takes? Just go restock, you died. You shouldn't go out with anything you aren't prepared to lose anyhow.. That's a guiding principle of UO pvm or pvp.

Using it to loot a monster that you killed? Oh no, don't help me loot my own loot. If it's someone else's mob, they will turn grey and can be attacked. Where is the problem?

Obviously there are ways to auto loot with razor and with uosteam. It doesn't cause any real problems, so why go through the trouble to try to ban it...

...just my two cents.
Read the above reason as to why this is a problem.


AFK Fishing is not AFK Gathering Ressources..
And that not means you can use some illegal Program's to LOOT AFK..... And with Looting AFK its AFK Gathering.

  • Use of any third party program that IS NOT Razor or AssistUO is prohibited.
  • We do not tolarate any EasyUO or Sallos users, found users will be removed from the game.
  • Any macroing resources while away from the keyboard is a bannable offense.
So gathering fish and boots and other things you fish up are not resources? Or are they "OK" because they are worthless?


That's a good question as far as what's O.K. to autoloot in the eyes of staff.

Auto gathering resources effects the economy of resources and has been cited as the main reason for afk resource gathering bans but I and no doubt many others don't wanna see it at all.

In my eyes nothing is O.K. to autoloot.