Let's do some fishing shall we!

You're messing with people or you're an idiot.

It blows my mind that if you really could do this why you wouldnt just keep it to yourself. You're ego is so important to you that you would give up the only way to make money afk on the server.

So if you really can do it, they will make fishing afk a bannable offense


I don't give a fuck what the admins choose to make legal or illegal, it's not my server and I have no control over it.

I don't care if I revealed information, I didn't explain how to do it.

Nothing bugs me about this game, not dying, not anything, but I take being called a Liar an attack on who I am as a person, and if everyone learns something along the way of me defending my character, so be it.

I have Never used this loop AFK, nor do I plan to. Seer Jake often roams around looking for AFKers and I don't want to get busted up in a technicality, all I said is it CAN BE DONE. When called a liar, I FUCKING PROVED IT.

Humans have always thought things can't be done if they haven't seen it done before.


Ansem ? you really thing that was a Proof ???? YOu proofed absolutly Nothing...... Maybe you can ask Eos over Itemid & Itemtype and Razor.
A and asking people what Third party Tool is like the same when you ask people what Number you right now thinks from 0 - 1000000000000.
And now you say you dont have done it AFK ?.... LOL i really hope you ass Bastard gets BANNED soon as possible.


Ansem ? you really thing that was a Proof ???? YOu proofed absolutly Nothing...... Maybe you can ask Eos over Itemid & Itemtype and Razor.
A and asking people what Third party Tool is like the same when you ask people what Number you right now thinks from 0 - 1000000000000.
And now you say you dont have done it AFK ?.... LOL i really hope you ass Bastard gets BANNED soon as possible.

English please.

No, I have not used any Third Party Programs, Except Razor.

No I have not done this AFK. Any GM wishing to check if I am here while using this macro can come to me in-game or speak to me on IRC.


Ansem I don't care if you take the time to explain your methods, in fact I expect you not to, but do you use this technique in other aspects of the game or just fishing? Curious as to how widespread its applications are.


I am not sure if I understand the question, all I do in this game is PvP and make money to have trammy blessed clothing and enough regs/pots to keep doing it.

I have a twitch tv channel that I can livestream to much like @eric_azria has that I'm happy to stream when I play if anyone cares to watch.


Ansem ? you really thing that was a Proof ???? YOu proofed absolutly Nothing...... Maybe you can ask Eos over Itemid & Itemtype and Razor.
A and asking people what Third party Tool is like the same when you ask people what Number you right now thinks from 0 - 1000000000000.
And now you say you dont have done it AFK ?.... LOL i really hope you ass Bastard gets BANNED soon as possible.



Not sure what part of my question was hard to understand, but I guess autolooting is autolooting so you very likely use it in PvP and all forms of PvM.


No it doesn't work like that...... I don't know how to explain it better without giving away too much detail, but if you don't know exactly what's gonna be there, exactly where it's gonna be, it's probably impossible to do. It's difficult enough with one item, couldn't imagine with more.


Kk. So just like when people were running scripts using Assist UO and saying "you can only have one running at a time"...you can set these to hotkeys and switch it to something else on the fly? Because that's what people were doing. They just wouldn't admit to it.

This technique you reference has TONS of applications in other forms of PvM and PvP because you can make corpses open in the same place on your screen every time.

In short, if you can auto loot mibs from sea serpents you can auto loot regs/pots/armor/skill scrolls/whatever the hell you want from any corpse you want with one key press for each. Just take the time to set it up, make your key presses, and be on your way.

Yeah...this needs looked into.


Yea i still not understand what he is trying to tell us.. For me its absolutly not POSSIBLE to loot from Corpses by ItemType. !!!!!!!!!!! There would be a way when you got a chance to lift it up. BUT you cant LIFT it. So only Way i see. The GM's need's to take a look on it.They need to Try it out by there own.. If it works ok. If not they Know he Lies and using some other stuff. And then they should really Bann that Guy.


Yea i still not understand what he is trying to tell us.. For me its absolutly not POSSIBLE to loot from Corpses by ItemType. !!!!!!!!!!! There would be a way when you got a chance to lift it up. BUT you cant LIFT it. So only Way i see. The GM's need's to take a look on it.They need to Try it out by there own.. If it works ok. If not they Know he Lies and using some other stuff. And then they should really Bann that Guy.

yeah because you can't figure it out, it must be cheating!


Kk. So just like when people were running scripts using Assist UO and saying "you can only have one running at a time"...you can set these to hotkeys and switch it to something else on the fly? Because that's what people were doing. They just wouldn't admit to it.

This technique you reference has TONS of applications in other forms of PvM and PvP because you can make corpses open in the same place on your screen every time.

In short, if you can auto loot mibs from sea serpents you can auto loot regs/pots/armor/skill scrolls/whatever the hell you want from any corpse you want with one key press for each. Just take the time to set it up, make your key presses, and be on your way.

Yeah...this needs looked into.

It either doesn't work that way, or I haven't figured it out. I have lots of vids of me pvping, all of which you can see me manually click (or miss) loot.


Na my point was.. You are gathering AFK Ressources.. there is no legal.... AFK is AFK... it would be still illegal when you really has done it with Razor. But i really doubt that. And yes i can't Figure it out. Because it makes no sense at all. To get it in your Backpack like you have done it. You need the Specificated ID from the Mib to lift it up.... And yes you can get the id.. But you cant copy an id to another macro or better. you cant write the ID in a Variable to use it with Lift. So it makes no sense for me. And you cant Change Corpse .. Corpse is Corpse.. itemtype should be blocked to be used on it. Yea it was my last post now.. Like i said the GM's need to look in it. Then we will see.


AFK means Away From Keyboard.

I am Always in front of my computer while using this.

Thanks get owned. Cya around nublet.