Is it just me or has anyone noticed a jump in BOD quality?


And the disappointment of the day is...20X EQ Iron Chain Legs! 20X EQ Tricorne Hat for the Tailor! 115 BS/120 Tailor here.

The Tier 4 cloth isn't all that bad. Sure as hell not going to save it for another bear rug!


I got a 20 normal scimitar -- the weapon sbods continue.

If you are reading this and are saying, man I need some weapon sbods... Just find the two-- yes two-- cheap smith bod books on my vendors.


I'm kind of a hoarder and have only now starting pitching the shit deeds. I've got hundreds and hundreds of lockdowns (probly 400 or so) being taken up by my BOD books which, as I'm sure you all know, takes quite a lot of BODs to accomplish.

Time to do some spring cleaning soon.


so just went through this past weeks collection - 7 days worth of bod collection with an average of 10 bods a day.... i got 4 colored SBODs that are a part of LBODs, none higher than bronze. and a couple of gold SBOD shields.

That sums up my week.


20X EQ Bone LBOD today. Probably the crappiest of the CBD BOD's out there, but a CBD none the less. That to go along with my 10X EQ Iron Platemail Legs!

Wish I had more time to get a few more per day, but these pesky kids (4 years and 3 months) keep bugging me for food, clean clothes, and rides to school. On top of that, my employer has the gall to tell me that they won't open the port in our firewall so that I can login every 6 hours during the day. Some bull crap about sensitive client data and identity theft....


So today, for the first time in two weeks, I received something other than a weapon sBod. I received a weapon LBoD! If anyone is looking for a 20x Axe LBoD. --- on my vendors...


Smith BODs have been rough for me this week until tonight. 20 exceptional bronze chain LBOD :D

Anyone have the Coif SBOD?


So uh, seriously.. another weapon sBoD. Am i bugged? I literally have been pulling nothing but weapon BODs for the past three weeks... and I check multiple times each day...

The UO gods have smited me.

Dwyane Wade

So uh, seriously.. another weapon sBoD. Am i bugged? I literally have been pulling nothing but weapon BODs for the past three weeks... and I check multiple times each day...

The UO gods have smited me.

I read that as "the UO gods have smelted me" lol


and haly - my 120 smith has pulled nothing but weap bods for ages. my 90 smith and 100 smiths have pulled only slightly better.