@aIck should've won 1st place and you know it you fat sack of fat.
Fine. It was a good outcome. Whatever. I'm fine.
He did win the best prize...
Fine. It was a good outcome. Whatever. I'm fine.
Great entries to all who participated.... I judged these along with archersnon and the winners are as follows:
1. @Mairon
2. @Skye Wolfbane
3. @Karl Sagan
4. @Serj
5. @aIck
All contest winners can PM me or skype me(gluttonysds) to claim your prizes
I never did get my prize. Not surprised.
And it's pretty sad you all guild someone just to make fun of someone who has some issues. Also, not surprised.
And I'm getting my information from the post above mine from TaJik.
Of his pathetic fuckboii followers, you take the cake.did you pm him? seems like you are upset with EQMS.... if you didn't follow instructions and PM him it is pretty lame to pretend you are getting scammed?
also who did we guild to make fun of? where are you getting your information from?
Of his pathetic fuckboii followers, you take the cake.
Of his pathetic fuckboii followers, you take the cake.