

Restocked a bunch of plain hues yesterday, and have more if they run out. Enjoy!

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Thanks Dark!

I was given a great opportunity yesterday to personally decorate a guildy's home, which gave me a great idea!

I will update my original post later with better details, but basically I'm going to start offering a decoration service. I will, by request, decorate your home for you for a service fee + cost of plants used!

I understand not everyone is comfy giving co-owner abilities to someone they hardly know, so no problem! I will work with any customers however they like. If you want to watch, and give me specifics on where you want plants placed, what plants you want placed, etc., no problem. If your working that day, and don't have the time or energy, I can surely do it while your away!

I'll be offering this service in the next few weeks, as I want to grow a big stock of plants for this. Check back often for more details, or updates! I think this would be a cool way to make some new friends along the way as well :)

Cheers! Happy Saturday everyone!

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Wow. Thank you whoever almost bought me out! :-*

-Restocked plain Campions, Poppies and Pampas.
-Restocking vines tonight or tmrw.

I'm fresh out of petals though :( However, Ill have 100's available in about 2 weeks.
Sorry for the delay!


I'm going to give my PW poppies reservation 1 more week, then I'm going to open them up for sale. Have a great day!

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Lucky night!

2 cross-pollinated mutations tonight: 1 white, 1 black.
Expect to see them in 12 days!


-Restocked 2 stacks of thorns. Thank you!

I'm noticing a decline in sales, and my vendor is full at the moment, so if you want something specific PM me. I have a stock that could hold plants you don't see on vendor. Here's what's currently available:

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Get me unbanned from the Trin trading company and I will buy some plants!
I didn't know you were. I just run a business there :) plus Dewd is in charge, so I don't know how that would work..

If banning removes the ability to purchase from vendors in that house, then I'll talk to Skye I guess, otherwise, I won't tell anyone you were there ;)

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Karl Sagan

Yeah I can't purchase from the vendors :/

I think I may have stealther in and stolen a ship or something at some point to get banned. If Skye won't make with the unbanning PM me and I will place an order ;)


Oh I see. I msgd her, and I'll let ya know what happens. Feel free to pm me your order anyway. I also have some mutations available if your interested ;)

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-Except for what's on vendor RIGHT NOW, all plain stock sold out. I planted some more tonight:, but half are already reserved!

I'm in the process of expanding my grow area, but it may take a while..
..watering over 160 plants a day is (believe it or not) hard work, not to mention cross breeding, and select growing.
I'm working towards a new 18x18 for a new and improved growhouse.

Ill be restocking orange petals in 4 days, along with bulk seeds for my seed vendor.(http://uoforum.com/threads/seeds-seeds-seeds.36907/)
In about 3-4 days, I'm going to remove reservation from my PW Poppies, and open them up for purchase! @Belge
I'll have vines restocked for a long time, as well as thorns, and I will continue to keep them stocked for your deco needs!

I have a super colorful batch growing right now (80), that will be used for either my upcoming player house decoration service, or just for restock, depending. When that batch is done (possibly sooner), Ill begin growing more plains.

Thank you all for your business! You guys keep me motivated, specially on those hard work days, when I don't wanna do anything. Haha. Anyway, thanks again, and keep coming back for future updates!
