What Weapon Would You Bless?

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Yeah well I mean, it sucks but at the same time it's fine. If someone donates huge amounts like 10, 20 or even 30k USD they should be rewarded for supporting the server. They are part of the reason we are still able to play this amazing game in 2017 and I don't care if they got some fancy blessed pvm weapon or all slayer spellbook for donating.

I don't see why staff should try to deny this


Yeah well I mean, it sucks but at the same time it's fine. If someone donates huge amounts like 10, 20 or even 30k USD they should be rewarded for supporting the server. They are part of the reason we are still able to play this amazing game in 2017 and I don't care if they got some fancy blessed pvm weapon or all slayer spellbook for donating.

I don't see why staff should try to deny this

i agree.. its probably thanks to those donators that the server is still up and running. and i'm not unconfortable at all with the existence of those items..

there's more.. there's unique llama steeds, there have been spiders with relics that hadn't been released (or been dropped by mistake) at that time.

everything's there for people to see.. and the denial makes me far more uncomfortable than the existance


i agree.. its probably thanks to those donators that the server is still up and running. and i'm not unconfortable at all with the existence of those items..

there's more.. there's unique llama steeds, there have been spiders with relics that hadn't been released (or been dropped by mistake) at that time.

everything's there for people to see.. and the denial makes me far more uncomfortable than the existance

What relic?


Those spellbooks should have never been allowed to be sold/transferred and that's the long and the short of it.

I don't mind that these fancy items exist so long as they are only only for those who truly deserve them - not for griefer trash to buy them with their ill-gotten wealth.


FYI. There was a blessed valorite short spear. I know that the guy barely played when I first started but it would get the tears flowing when he did. That player seems to have retired and likely has the item on the character, never to be seen again.

I miss Tolga... ;(

If I can speak for him in his absence: I think he would have suggested not to go with a short spear. He told me he was disappointed by the dmg output of it. While he was playing he'd switch up his melee skills (in a couple of hours, in a house, for a few bandages, that cost way less than 50k, btw) and went back and forth between swords and macing -- then back to fencing when he ran out of PvP weapons. I believe the last time we talked about it, were he able to do it over, he said that he would have blessed a war hammer: the potential dmg is outrageous.

good luck!


I miss Tolga... ;(

If I can speak for him in his absence: I think he would have suggested not to go with a short spear. He told me he was disappointed by the dmg output of it. While he was playing he'd switch up his melee skills (in a couple of hours, in a house, for a few bandages, that cost way less than 50k, btw) and went back and forth between swords and macing -- then back to fencing when he ran out of PvP weapons. I believe the last time we talked about it, were he able to do it over, he said that he would have blessed a war hammer: the potential dmg is outrageous.

good luck!
thanks for this feedback!


I miss Tolga... ;(

If I can speak for him in his absence: I think he would have suggested not to go with a short spear. He told me he was disappointed by the dmg output of it. While he was playing he'd switch up his melee skills (in a couple of hours, in a house, for a few bandages, that cost way less than 50k, btw) and went back and forth between swords and macing -- then back to fencing when he ran out of PvP weapons. I believe the last time we talked about it, were he able to do it over, he said that he would have blessed a war hammer: the potential dmg is outrageous.

good luck!

but keep in mind armor got very hard nurfed

Yu the Sorceress

You have a ton of time to decide what you want to bless.

Make a dexer, with alchemy and magery and get on and fight people for a week. Set up hard rules so you actually get to test it.

Play a weaponstyle for a week. Write down everything you like and dislike after each session.
Repeat for other weapons.

At the end you will know which you like better. It will be obvious and you can make a choice.

I personally would go with a warhammer, because I don't like chasing people forever, and there is a good chance of killing someone a lot quicker with a warhammer if they are at like 75 health and you have a pot primed and hit them for a crushing. Because a lot of people aren't going to notice you have a val warhammer until its too late and they die in 2 seconds.

In the end it comes down to a lot of what you want to do. If you do boat stuff, then bless a really good bow. Screw what others think this is your item bless deed. Do what you want with it.


a few general stats so far, rough numbers only

VS Unarmoured player

Lowest Dmg 40
Highest Dmg 78
Avg 51

Long Spear
Lowest Dmg 15
Highest Dmg 50
Avg 35

VS Full Invuln Plate player


Lowest Dmg 11
Highest Dmg 51
Avg 20

Long Spear

Lowest Dmg 11
Highest Dmg 33
Avg 17

The hammer had a much faster swing speed than I thought it would, however the spear was just going to town. both amazing weapons. Ofc with the high dmg potential of warhammer, incidental deaths of my guinea pig were 6:1, in the hammers favour, with 2 toons bandaging and victim spam mini healing throughout.

Dale Winton

Dear sir,

When you bless this ungodly weapon, please refrain from striking Dale Winton with it. Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks ;)


I would do what you think is most fun and fits your play style the best. If there was a single weapon that was best for every situation, that would be the only weapon everyone used.

If I was into group PvPing (or PKing), I would choose a spear.
If I was into solo PvPing, I would choose a warhammer.
If I was into solo PKing, I would choose a Katana.
If I was a troll, I would choose a dagger and DP it and run around trying to fight people with it for fun.
If I was heavier into PvM, I would choose an axe type or maybe a katana. Shit maybe even a bow if that was the weapon type I used 99% of the time.

Video games are about fun and I would choose the one I thought I would have the most fun with, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.

Yu the Sorceress

78 damage high roll. Dear lord. It is interesting how the invul armor made the damage avg the same between spear and hammer. Did you test that for a long period of time. Because it doesn't seem like the armor should balance the avg damage to the same numbers.

But still It is interesting to see an avg damage of 50, that means with a pot on avg your going to 2 hit people with light armor. lol. pretty gross.
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