Ultima Online Forever: Naval Warfare Reborn

why my damn ship only travel by 1 tile at time when i say all the directions commans???
if i say "forward" my boat go forward just for 1 tile


@Adam Suggestion/Bug: When a "pirate" sinks a ship and it subsequently kills everyone on board, every character/person should be able to give murder counts to the "pirate". IMO pirates should be red. Currently the only characters able to count are the ones who were directly hit by the cannon balls.


I agree with Sapperman. You're a player killer no matter what you call it when you kill blues out at sea. If people do not get murder counts when using the cannons, all this does is encourage everyone to sink any boat whenever they can. If they do not want to go red, they'll have to sink (most likely AFK) people only when they have enough murder counts to take before going red. It should be that if there are no greys or reds on a ship and you fire at it with blues on board, and those blues die, that they can report you for murder.
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This may be a bit difficult to implement, however, seeing as though those cannons do not do damage to the players, only the boat, unless I am mistaken. You automatically die when the boat sinks, and that has nothing to do with the cannons doing damage to your player characters.
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If it can't be worked out properly, perhaps the cannons should do slight damage to the people on the boat in the direct line of fire of the cannon that will register as being an attack from a player character. If that is too OP, make the damage only 1 or 2 HP.



Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
Only the galleons are craftable if I'm not mistaken. Regular boats like Losts can be dyed via boat dyes that are available in the whirlpools as an upgrade.


So i cant seem to get the commands "forward one" , "back one" , "left one" and "right one" to work . my boat gos the direction but keeps going until i say stop. same with the commands using "Slow" but now it does nothing, if I say forward slow my boat does not move.
also when i say take the helm nothing happens i cant use cursor movment.

AAAnd on another note im having alot of difficulty finding whirlpools , I went to 5 locations when the whirlpool annoncments were made and have yet to find one. How long do these stay up for ? as on some of them I made it to the specified location within 5min but nothing was there .. ?