Trinsic Invasion 24/10/2015

Tard the Paladin

Again with this song and dance?

Even on a bad day my non-meta dexer can outscore my meta dragon/Provo tamer...with good gear of course. Gotta work harder for it and there's significantly more risk but facts are facts.

Furthermore I'll give you three guesses which one has a better chance to defend himself against players if the need arises...and here's a hint: it's not my tamer.

I'm not even going to argue. I'm just going to highlight your assumptions that experienced players will understand is bunk.

Non-meta dexer will outscore any level 7 meta.

Meta tamer is less effective in PvP than a dexer.

Tard the Paladin

Prolly boils down to you not having a clue how to play a tamer if you seriously think a non-meta dexer will outscore a level 7 meta. I mean wow. You can't even PvM bro. Sad


Maybe it's you that can't play a dexer for shit or don't manage your slayers well?

Not likely in either case, sir.

Seems to me like you are continuing this good healthy cry you have been having about the defensive talisman not being "good enough" which anyone who has seen you PvM knows is total bullshit. You might have pulled the wool over a few people's eyes early on but more people are leveling their talismans now and can see for themselves just how strong they are in champs and invasions...and that was even before swamp dragons.

My meta dexers (both zerk and def) are barely leveled with few relics and the results are already showing a great deal. And that's on top of already being able to outscore my tamer on the regular.

Your preferred template is not getting an unnecessary buff. Sorry.

I think anyone who looks at that leaderboard and cries tamers are OP is making a critical mistake: failing to realize that there are more and more highly leveled meta pets than there are meta dexers. Had meta dexers been introduced first it would almost certainly be the other way around but that's just speculation on my part. Instead tamers have been grinding for far longer hence the perceived imbalance. Anyone who has gone all-in on their meta dexer knows they are absolute powerhouses once they have caught up to the pets.
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Tard the Paladin

Maybe it's you that can't play a dexer for shit or don't manage your slayers well?

Not likely in either case, sir.

Seems to me like you are continuing this good healthy cry you have been having about the defensive talisman not being "good enough" which anyone who has seen you PvM knows is total bullshit. You might have pulled the wool over a few people's eyes early on but more people are leveling their talismans now and can see for themselves just how strong they are in champs and invasions...and that was even before swamp dragons.

My meta dexers (both zerk and def) are barely leveled with few relics and the results are already showing a great deal. And that's on top of already being able to outscore my tamer on the regular.

Your preferred template is not getting an unnecessary buff. Sorry.

I think anyone who looks at that leaderboard and cries tamers are OP is making a critical mistake: failing to realize that there are more and more highly leveled meta pets than there are meta dexers. Had meta dexers been introduced first it would almost certainly be the other way around but that's just speculation on my part. Instead tamers have been grinding for far longer hence the perceived imbalance. Anyone who has gone all-in on their meta dexer knows they are absolute powerhouses once they have caught up to the pets.

I rarely even play my def relic char. When I point out obvious facts about the game its not to "buff my talisman". Meta tamers have huge benefits over all other classes in PvP and PvM.

Keep spewing your BS though, earth is flat, dexers good as tamers, its all pretty funny man. I just wonder if you actually believe that shit.


You were crying for a buff for the longest time.

To say you aren't continuing that crusade is a falsehood.

Tard the Paladin

You can't even comprehend the posts I've made on the matter. Each post I reiterated, bolded, underlined that I support additional end game content that takes an EQUAL amount of time, grind, risk, costs as meta tamers. I never said just "buff my talisman". Clearly a false statement, if I said it then link it. I mean once again this is an example of you ignoring obvious facts. One can simply search my forum post history on the matter and its right there in front of them.

That's, ok man you clearly have a limited ability in understanding mechanics or other people's posts. Its amusing that you think you're debating something here. You're posts clearly show your ignorance of game mechanics.

Blaine the Gypsy

As @Shane said...
However no one will bring slayer suits out and have that target on their head. But with the suit plus defense talisman = best thing to bring to this event. Tho I admit tamers are a dime a dozen these days and over played and nursed.

Slice N Dice

Aren't rewards random?
I get high scores at champs and RDAs and rarely get anything from them
Maybe it's just nice to be able to point a finger


Well level 7 meta with 4 damage relics and 120 taming/lore (and taming SS For at the very least the last 5 points) Are around 40m and sooooo many Hours it's not even funny. Did i mention a lvl 7 meta loses around 30-40k of NON TRAINABLE skills every time it dies?

Now let's look at meta dexers: defense maybe 5-6 mil, zerker 10-12 mil.

No wonder tamers Are strong, it's endgame pvm. After 2 months of playing this shard i had enough got to make a fully decked defense meta dexer lol

DiXiE RecT

These type of events is where u utilize all of your resources. I gathered up all those runes and made a full set of bone repond along with a respond weapon and an excel lute. Point is its possible but you have to have then gear set aside. You can still be one of the top 5. Fyi the runes were free too.

Sent from my SM-G360V using Tapatalk


Really if you play your dexer well you can score as high as almost any meta tamer. You can play both templates poorly and be outscored by the other.

Assuming the above is true, take into consideration what both Blaine and lollo highlighted...two valid points I willexpand on and use to allow you folks to decide which sounds more appealing:

Tamers being expensive as fuck deserve to be more EZ mode to get high score. Dexers gotta work for it and they are certainly capable.

Tens of millions invested in meta tamers.

Dexers can gear up and wear slayer armor, use slayer weapons, meta talismans, dragon barding, magery for buffs and utility, tons pots. All of that costs $$, a drop in the bucket compared to tamers but if you play enough you can rack up a near equal expense long-term compared to the cost of meta pets you'll spend a lot of $$ over time. Aye?

Tamers are also more of a grind than dexers and are much less daunting to the un-initiated.

As far as time + $ goes meta dexers are clearly have a lower barrier to entry while still being able to perform at the level of meta pets.

Advantage: dexers.


And apologies to Tard if I'm coming off like an asshole but you gotta realize that you sound foolish when you are constantly doing the whole "I don't give a shit anymore" thing whilst clearly giving a shit. And you're incorrect.

That kinda behavior tends to not sit well with me.


the thing is, a berserker dexxer cant farm good solo as a tamer. you take too much damage. and making a berserker dexxer just for champs/invasions doesnt seem like its worth it, while u can just have a single character, a tamer , that can both farm solo and do these events(and be a pvp god).

Tard the Paladin

And apologies to Tard if I'm coming off like an asshole but you gotta realize that you sound foolish when you are constantly doing the whole "I don't give a shit anymore" thing whilst clearly giving a shit. And you're incorrect.

That kinda behavior tends to not sit well with me.

Dude no one cares. You say stuff that is blatantly incorrect. Then you misquote me with more crap that is easily disproven.

Like I've said, yes a meta dexer can beat a meta tamer on scores on occasion. But if you have a skilled meta dexer and a skilled meta tamer like Bradley, then the difference is wildly in favor of the tamer. Even in god mode a dexer wont have the DPS output to get a similar score. People get this twisted but I've seen max'd berserkers and defensers try to match but not come close.

I understand if someone beats a tamer and thinks that dexers are better but they aren't looking at what a skilled tamer will do. I've seen it a hundred times when I was in LORE. This is very easily verified.

Yes, tamers spend more time and effort on their classes. This is why I've stated that it would be nice if other char classes could also see rewards and have the opportunity to put the same amount of time and risk into their character development. If the effort, reward, and risks are equal then its a level playing field. That's all I've advocated for in the past.

Tamers benefit a lot more from the relics and new content that goes their way. Take for instance...

Tamers can sell their pets with the relics on them - dexers cannot sell their talisman if they wished to. Obvious imbalance there.

Tamers can use relics on their meta and still use provo - dexers cannot use bard skills with talisman to my knowledge.

Pet speed - obviously fucked.

But no, I really don't care. Its the same arguments over and over. "Tamers cost more money and time" I reply let other classes do the same. "Dexers can outscore a tamer" My reply is that no they cannot if the tamer knows what they're doing and both the tamer and dexer have max'd relics. Its a matter of running the numbers and I've seen countless times that they don't add up. There's no way its going to add up when metas are proc'ing quicksilver and hitting multiple mobs. Its also not going to add up when the tamer is using provo to also rack up a score. The formula is clear in my mind.