WTS Tokuno Galleon Ship (PRICE REDUCED)


also willing to take on partial trades. this will be great when they release sea champs that are already in the works and hopefully out soon partial trades.


ill get back to you later after i get home. Fay is the one hat can answer all the questions and know how to drive it


you're gonna want to get this b4 sea champs come out, after that the price of these ships will only go up in value


EPPY told me last night after crafting the new boat. That there are only 4. Mint green gargoyle. Evil mage gargoyle. Purple gargoyle and new blue Tonuko boat.
Btw i bought the mint green from Oomf and his guild
What's up with that? Shane specifically said that no information such as amount of items in game would be given out by staff so as to not affect pricing, etc???


This isnt rares or event items or relics. ect. This is player crafted boat that only the few players on this forum post that crafted them also confirmed. And he said no paging in, asking via skype or irc. I did not ask how many were on server. He simply stated he had to set hue on the other 3 that were crafted and mine would make the fourth.
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