I'm gonna quit editing and like triple post and shit until you stop.
When your argument was beaten you turned to talking about forum mechanics... enjoy yet another loss.
So should i feel sorry for killing minax tamers or no?
Hells naw.
If they're not EQMS trash they are piggybacking scum like myself so fuck all those bad ppl
When your argument was beaten you turned to talking about forum mechanics... enjoy yet another loss.
There is a systemic problem that cannot be solved by one person or group, you ignorant twat.
Well...correction: unless that person or group is staff
unless you offer something in return and the preference is always for other rare spots and not just some other form of compensation.
Lol all good it was mostly my own fault and it's bound to happen I guess. Derailment is a way of life around here and my shitthreads shall not be exempt.Sorry @Bromista looks like I've derailed your thread...Let's back on topic guys: FUCK YOU EQMS
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Don't worry about those other factions. They don't bother to compete with Minax when it comes to stealing sigils, and why should they? There's no faction cap, silly!
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