Thieves at Archdemon


I've lost a few things to thieves at Archdemon.
They seem to ride by everyone and grab power scrolls and relics.
I'm not sore about it, I just want to know how they do it.
Are they randomly stealing things or is there a way to 'steal by type'?
Or are they just that fast?


I was wondering the same. I had a guy run past me on horseback I know he didn't have time to snoop my bag and as soon as he got close enough to steal he had my PS. Turned tail and took off. I had a lot in my bag at the time too.

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Lady Macbeth

Get legendary tinker explosion trap boxes. Put ur ps and relics inside the box. They will die try to steal.

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Don't plan on really hanging around with a relic in my pack. It usually happens when gold is dropping everywhere and everyone is running around, like Johntruman said someone on an ethy runs by you and turns grey then hides and stealths off. So is it possible to set a macro to steal a certain type of object ( ps and relics), or are they just randomly stealing and getting lucky?

BTW do you have legendary trapped boxes on your vendor?


I agree, but how are they doing it?

By using a script which scans through someones pack for an item listed in the script, when the script detects said item it steals it. Unfortunately, it is totally legal to use and is considered by many, a cheat.


By using a script which scans through someones pack for an item listed in the script, when the script detects said item it steals it. Unfortunately, it is totally legal to use and is considered by many, a cheat.

Considering how easy it is to counter theft I'd argue this is the only way to actually have a shot at stealing PS, relics and other goodies from endgame PVM.


Considering how easy it is to counter theft I'd argue this is the only way to actually have a shot at stealing PS, relics and other goodies from endgame PVM.

As much as I hate to agree *sorry I am stubborn as hell when it comes to stealing and scripts*, with the current system in place you are right yet the mentality is wrong.
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Thanks Darkarna.
Is it profitable?
Sometimes there are six or more thieves there.
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