The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

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Let's put some faces to names, people. Who is brave enough to post their mug online for all to see and associate with their name forever? Feel free to post age as well. I'll post mine later, once I know this thread is successful and I'm not the only schlub willing to put my face out there.

This is NOT a rants/flames thread; this is simply intended to put faces to names and to get a glimpse at the person behind the persona. Do not make comments judging other on the way they look, especially if you aren't posting pictures yourself!
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More! Also, this thread isn't intended to judge or demean others, but to just see what people look like behind their online persona.


What's Timbit? Also I watched the hockey movie 'Goon' and now I think hockey is p sweet.

In Canada Tim Horton's sponsors all the 5 and 6 year old kids when they first start paying hockey.... hence they are called Timbits.

It just happens that my men's league team is also sponsored by Tim Horton's so we also call ourselves the Timbit's. If you were Canadian you'd get the humor.

Karl Sagan

In Canada Tim Horton's sponsors all the 5 and 6 year old kids when they first start paying hockey.... hence they are called Timbits.

It just happens that my men's league team is also sponsored by Tim Horton's so we also call ourselves the Timbit's. If you were Canadian you'd get the humor.

How often do fights happen? I played men's league rugby for several years after college and it seemed like there would be a little dust up almost every game. Nothing crazy but it seem like hockey would trend in that same direction.

How serious is the league? Drinking or stretching before a match?


How often do fights happen? I played men's league rugby for several years after college and it seemed like there would be a little dust up almost every game. Nothing crazy but it seem like hockey would trend in that same direction.

How serious is the league? Drinking or stretching before a match?

In this league if there is one fight a year I'd be surprised... it’s totally a bear drinking league for most of us, but there are still a few who are delusional and think the NHL might still call... :p
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