tailor/smith bod timers


You're right, I must have been dropped on my head as a child. We should do bods and then slam our hands in a car door, it'll be a good ole' time!


Actually this needs to be confirmed by staff only.

Default setting in runuo is as this.

Higher skill (above 70.1) means chance of LBOD,
below 70.1 no chance to obtain LBOD.

Which means you can obtain any kind of small bod every 3 hours @skill 70.0

                if ( theirSkill >= 70.1 && ((theirSkill - 40.0) / 300.0) > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                    return new LargeTailorBOD();

                return SmallTailorBOD.CreateRandomFor( from );

If your code is correct, then a higher skill in tailoring/blacksmithing = more LBODs... 6.66% more often for 120 skill vs 100 skill. I know everyone debates that here.