Soul Forge


Is it possible to make it so you are able to make more than just one Soul Forge.
Maybe add a smaller quest to do so the market doesn't get flooded also.
And also make it possible for the owner of the house to move the forge rather
than asking a GM as I am sure they have better things to do.



+1 for the idea of letting you replace it, like a deed. However, I like the fact you can only make one. It first of all makes the items they produce more valuable. If anyone with money could buy them and produce what they want, the market would flood. Look at crystal work benches. Only a 120 miner could get the crystals to make them, and have to go to rda to mine them. I didn't do any of the work to get it, but I have one, and could make slayer armor as long as I have the runes. If they made it so you can only make one, it would limit the users, and make slayer armor more valuable. But kinda too late for that. I say keep the soul forge the way it is, but maybe bound a deed to the crafter so only they can place it.


Soul forges are too deedable!*

* Must be placed in a cellar and the cellar be re-deeded.

lol.. but who wants to place their soul forge in a cellar... show that soul forge out in the open... all the work to get it should be rewarded with visual pixels.


lol.. but who wants to place their soul forge in a cellar... show that soul forge out in the open... all the work to get it should be rewarded with visual pixels.
My soul forge is in my cellar :(

Haha along with a hundred other things worthy of display but not enough room for.


I'm working on it! :)

Gonna be a ways off I'm afraid. Little time for fundraising lately :(

i'm on my way... i own 3 of the 4 corners needed to place my 30x30... finding this last plot owner is going to prove to be the bane of my existence i'm afraid....

no back on topic....

Please make soul forges deedable, and bound the deeds to the crafter.. no more pages to a gm to move a soul forge.


Ew, good luck!

I think making forges choppable by homeowner is probably a bad idea. Even though legendary crafting has been all but a total bust and I can't blame someone for wanting to sell their forge...I think in the long run it could be a mistake. What if legendary crafting actually got some decent recipes? It's unlikely, but if so anyone who chopped and sold theirs would be pretty fucked since you only get one shot at it per character. I don't see many of any people taking their crafter to 120/120 and gathering the resources just for the deco or to sell/trade. If so the forge would have to sell for at least 4m to think about any kind of profit and I bet few would be willing to spend that.

I discovered that you could deed a soul forge completely by mistake. As in I'm not even sure if staff knows you can do it because I think if they wanted them choppable and trade able they would have made them that way. Maybe.

As it stands I think they will only remove/replace...I don't think staff will deed a forge just to make it trade able but I could be wrong.


i dont want them tradable either... that's why i'm suggesting to make the deed bound to the crafter, so they, and only they can place, chop, replace


Right, O.K. I get that. Yeah that would be the same thing, only it would save staff some time and hassle of relocating for players.

To be honest I bet it's about as much work to make them deedable as it is to just respond to pages requesting them to be moved. Both tasks would be pretty easy, I just wonder how often people page in for that kinda stuff. Probably not 1/10th as many people as have paged in to have their bone masks layered/unlayered haha. I'm surprised they let that go on as long as they did honestly.


Ok how about limit it to Two forges a toon can make, as most of us have more than one account with homes,
I would love to have one in both my homes. Still limit to two at least make it worth it for all the gold and time
that goes into making the toon. At least being able to sell one and keep the other. Still would not flood the