Something wrong with this economy after playing the server 8 months all my items have depreciated.


Something is terribly wrong this this servers economy, and I see it as being a huge flaw. I've played this server around 8 months now and unlike any other server I've played my items have almost all depreciated in value, rather most other servers typically holding on to items for a long time almost always made them appreciate in value. Now on to the gold sink vendor I've use it and sank tons of money into it and what has it gotten me? It got me some pure white and other items that have not change off the vendor in the past 8 months. And now all the pure white is selling for maybe 300k as well as any other gold sink item I would not sell unless I discount it 40% or more this is ass backwards with how it should be, and I know it's hurting my drive to stay with this server longer when all the items I've got in the past 8 months have actually lost me mass amounts of money. Rather then go up the slightest In value. Am I the only one that feels this way? I think long term this economy will hurt people's drive to play the server once you get to the point I'm at and now everything I've ever bought is worth 40% less then i bought it for and there's no talk in Fixing the issue? Or am I the only one that sees this as a issue?

Now I get we all love new dono items and it helps support the server but there needs to be some change made though I couldn't tell you a easy fix that would change it.
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Your kidding me that your whining items you bought off the gold vendor haven't appreciated? Sorry but the plenty of items have gone way up and if you haven't "invested" in the right assets doesn't mean the economy is screwed. There are plenty that would argue the opposite (especially this trying to buy a 120 tame pre expansion). You seem to be able to judge the economy based on the price of a Taming ss 10 donation coins and an eternal as these seem to always hold a similar value and all have gone up greatly I The last 8 months.

Long story short don't scream the market is crashing just because your stock is dropping. Especially when your stock is an item from the gold vendor as it will never go above original purchase price and to think it should is well... Just silly.


I totally agree 100% I've only been on 6 months but everything I have has went down down down.. I feel in part it's the dono coins and income tax they use to mean something now not so much at all other than just to support.. ya they got new stuff but damn 50K dono for an item really?? But ya the economy is Def starting to hurt

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it's only the mainstream items that are hurting. I see you're trying to sell a fallon kilt for 450k.. Well that was a good price back when everyone thought they'd take it out and prices rocketed up to 60k/yard but now with 25k/yard ? Overpriced. For me it seems like all the "mainstream" Items (and pure white is very mainstream to me) decline in price which is only logic since those are the items most people bought. There are PLENTY of items, even from the donation store vendor, that have increased in price.

I would also suggest to try to sell items before a donation store update and not after. After a update most people are very busy to get those coins for their favourit new item and therefore dont spent anything on items that have been around for ages.


theres just alot of better crap to wanna buy than there used to be i guess

id rather have jet black orc than charcy orc mask
or a blze 1 ^^
Because u cant sell ur items dont mean economy is screwd.
PW shit are "high end" itens and very expensive, its a very limited market. Not everybody willing to spent millions on pw shit.
And after it has been crafted, worth even less.

And its a item avaliable in the marked, anyone can buy it.

If u really want make money w/ that, buy itens that wont come back and maybe, one day, they will sell really high.

Dont expect to sell all ur shit fast and at that value, cause they wont sell fast, unless u do a good price


I get it If it was just Fallon or my pw guys but its not I've bought over 15 mil in house deco think that even one price has gained anything in value? Nope sure hasn't if I try to resell anything I've got in my house its the same story. I don't see how anyone can argue that the only items that's go up in value are one time donation items, other then those literally every other item depreciates it does not gain any value if you bought it when you started the server compared to now. I do understand that naturally some items would lose value and some would gain but let's say if i have 35 mil in items since I've been here I literally can't think of one item that has went up in value but I can think of about 35 mil in items I have that have gone down.

Karl Sagan

Not many people can afford multiple 5mil+ items, and those that can have for the most part already done it.

Get used to it. Rares get shit on, dono items get shit on, bug reporter items get shit on. They clearly don't want there to be many (or any) rare items. Everyone gets to have everything for the most part, so not much holds value.

My advice would be to stop trying to flip shit for a profit, just enjoy the items for what they are (neat looking). Or accept that you are going to get burned more than you will profit trying to buy/sell/flip high end items. Or start your auctions at 500k and just accept that you get what you get.

I mean, when there are people donating literally tens of thousands of dollars to get dono coins, yeah shits gonna get weird real fast in the economy.

Karl Sagan

I get it If it was just Fallon or my pw guys but its not I've bought over 15 mil in house deco think that even one price has gained anything in value? Nope sure hasn't if I try to resell anything I've got in my house its the same story. I don't see how anyone can argue that the only items that's go up in value are one time donation items, other then those literally every other item depreciates it does not gain any value if you bought it when you started the server compared to now. I do understand that naturally some items would lose value and some would gain but let's say if i have 35 mil in items since I've been here I literally can't think of one item that has went up in value but I can think of about 35 mil in items I have that have gone down.

One time donation items like the "LIMITED TIME ONLY" 9k coin blue orc mask? Pretty sure everyone who fell for that one (myself included) will never see a return on their investment. When limited time means months and months, what is the point?

There's a disconnect with this server vs others on how rare items are treated. This server is all about everyone getting all the shit they want, especially if they use RL $ to get it. Pretty smart business plan really, but the benefits only go one way.


I get it If it was just Fallon or my pw guys but its not I've bought over 15 mil in house deco think that even one price has gained anything in value? Nope sure hasn't if I try to resell anything I've got in my house its the same story. I don't see how anyone can argue that the only items that's go up in value are one time donation items, other then those literally every other item depreciates it does not gain any value if you bought it when you started the server compared to now. I do understand that naturally some items would lose value and some would gain but let's say if i have 35 mil in items since I've been here I literally can't think of one item that has went up in value but I can think of about 35 mil in items I have that have gone down.

alot of people have made alot of gold by buying things early and selling them later on. Vesper cloth? Blaze sandals (9k coins back then and were regarded as a HIGH END ITEM now 9k is nothing) ? Basicly every piece of blessed clothing that people blessed back when donation coins were worth 40-80k? (that was the case until may, june last year). If you want to make gp by flipping items then I'd suggest to figure out what items are not bought much from the store and to purchase them. Obviously, your white deer mask wont rise in price because everyone who wanted one already purchased it when it was up / there are simply too many around. Then, you got some mika masks that hardly anyone bought and those are worth quite alot on the market right now. Stop going for the mainstream items.


Kaz im not talking about the items ive flipped or am currently flipping thats where your confused. I know the markets on things im flipping and dont think ive had to sell anything for a loss maybe more then 2 times. Im talking about the other 30 mil in items i have on other chars or that are sitting in my house and the fact any other server if i had 30 mil in items and then left the game for say 6 months and came back most of the items I had would normally go up in value and be worth more then the 30 mil i paid for them 6 months before. This server is the opposite have 30 mil in items leave for 6 months come back and your shit will now be worth 20 mil.


Making the items players acquire in game rare whether the item is gained through adventure, crafting, or real life monetary investment gives the players a stake or stock in the future of the server.

This is the way OSI operated and most free servers I've played, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the business model on this server.


And the reason I used purewhite as an example is not because im currently selling it but I dont get why you would make a gold sink and never ever remove any items you put on it? now theres no gold sink, why would anyone buy pure yards when its getting 300k a yard right now and its 500k to get on the vendor. The gold sink items have to change at least once every 6 months or a year to just keep them up really makes it so no one is sinking gold at all and the people who used the gold sinks get bit in the ass when the items never change it hurts you for using the gold sink vendor.


Making the items players acquire in game rare whether the item is gained through adventure, crafting, or real life monetary investment gives the players a stake or stock in the future of the server.
this is exactly it I think if i play on a server I should be a little better off after being there for a year as apposed to someone who just started here

Karl Sagan

Kaz im not talking about the items ive flipped or am currently flipping thats where your confused. I know the markets on things im flipping and dont think ive had to sell anything for a loss maybe more then 2 times. Im talking about the other 30 mil in items i have on other chars or that are sitting in my house and the fact any other server if i had 30 mil in items and then left the game for say 6 months and came back most of the items I had would normally go up in value and be worth more then the 30 mil i paid for them 6 months before. This server is the opposite have 30 mil in items leave for 6 months come back and your shit will now be worth 20 mil.

I'm with you but pretending you know what the market will be like in 6 months is ludicrous


Kaz im not talking about the items ive flipped or am currently flipping thats where your confused. I know the markets on things im flipping and dont think ive had to sell anything for a loss maybe more then 2 times. Im talking about the other 30 mil in items i have on other chars or that are sitting in my house and the fact any other server if i had 30 mil in items and then left the game for say 6 months and came back most of the items I had would normally go up in value and be worth more then the 30 mil i paid for them 6 months before. This server is the opposite have 30 mil in items leave for 6 months come back and your shit will now be worth 20 mil.

but thats only the case with BOD clothing items and donation store items. I agree that they should perma-remove more items more often and should also swap the items more often. When it comes to pure white then we have a whole diffrent story there.. They never said that they'd remove it off the vendor.


im not talking about items to flip tho Karl im just talking about items im keeping because they look good in my house or I like the outfit on my other chars im not saying anyone would know the market after 6 months but as a whole your items should probably not drop 30% in value while your gone for 6 months


im not talking about items to flip tho Karl im just talking about items im keeping because they look good in my house or I like the outfit on my other chars im not saying anyone would know the market after 6 months but as a whole your items should probably not drop 30% in value while your gone for 6 months

it's only logic that they drop, though. The BOD system had its flaws (65% tailors get more BODs than GM ones etc.) for over a year now so tier 5 cloth dropped in price (also because they didnt remove any cloth from the BOD system with the introduction of the new colors). So it's just normal that fallon for example dropped in price lately. The main problem with donation vendor items is that most of them are available 50% of the time and therefore there is no real market for them since people can simply buy them off the store.