WTS *SOLD* Selling Keep in Britain!! Next to farmlands, beautiful location!


i would buy the keep if i can somehow place two 15x 15 max storage houses side by side or two 13x17s as long as i get max storage
Would be great if @Adam or @Shane could verify if wendy is trolling the thread or actually replying to the seller. This is becoming a clusterfuck and frankly with how many of my friends have left the server the last week I don't have patience for it.

Just gonna put it out there but

1) a person making fake bids on the servers website to deliberately troll, grief, etc the population is uncalled for.

2) A Player who is in a position of bringing a great gaming experience to new players and the server population in full making up stories isn't cool.

I personally don't know either of these players and have only statted one so I'm not sure who is being the douche but I would like some sort of clarity.
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wendy whoppers

If you bothered to read my post you would have seen that this keep was highly desirable to me given it's next to my 18x18. Aka the POWER griefing pet stables/Brit HQ.

Anyway she got the 8m.... I'll continue to try and buy surrounding houses in the areA.


I wasn't trolling u god damn trammie haters. I'm just not on 24/7 and live in a different time zone. I would have paid 8m in 2 hours time lol
I WORK AND REPLY VIA PHONE TO THESE FORUMS EASILY 24/7. your excuses dont make sense. And move out of Australia, its bad for Gaming Life. You know it.


Lol yeah, never take Wendy or old ass seriously, they're out trolling for lolz :0 it's fun sometimes ;)


Lol yeah, never take Wendy or old ass seriously, they're out trolling for lolz :0 it's fun sometimes ;)
Not always tru... wendy really did want to buy it and i dont really troll selling threads. Its actually our selling threads that get trolled (y i have other ppl make them now)


Not always tru... wendy really did want to buy it and i dont really troll selling threads. Its actually our selling threads that get trolled (y i have other ppl make them now)

Lol are you surprised your threads are trolled? They should be trolled. It only makes sense, but it's just a game, so all you can do is laugh, and spark another one up. ;)


And yes, I actually am a sock puppet, if I kill you in game, know you were just slain by a sock puppet lol but I'm usually the nice dude ressing peeps :)


Lol are you surprised your threads are trolled? They should be trolled. It only makes sense, but it's just a game, so all you can do is laugh, and spark another one up. ;)
Not at all. Thats y instead of crying i found a solution to the problem, alot of u trammies should be taking notes


Reread wut i said and then how u respond.... derrrrrrrrrrrrr is right u fukin downy

And uve seen us get rolled so hard we should have uninstalled? This makes me laugh... not only becuz its a ridiculous statement but becuz its coming from a person weve laughd at, as a group, how easy they die 1v1 in shame 5 all the time. We actuallu stopped attacking u becuz ur seriously so bad we felt u should b spared.