Purple potions are a shit mechanic.
Care to explain why? I don't get the 'necessary' part, other stock is equally as important (healpots, cures, pouches, etc)
Purple potions are a shit mechanic.
Don't apologize, I've been making leftist's and snow flakes trigger since the 90's. Triggers are often caused when cold hard facts get in the way of their (idealist) emotions.
Meta pets encourage donation to the server for dono coin to sell for gold... So do the talismans. Not saying i like meta pets and yeah they are stupid strong no doubt and no i dont have a tamer but i get the point of meta's here. I doubt p-pots encourage much donations for dono coin. If you think all PVPers would wonder off at a change to p-pots then that proves a pretty big point right there. But i highly doubt that would happen. Maybe a handful would leave. But i guarantee more current and new players would step up to take up that space and quite possibly more.
Double the timer on p-pots. Problem solved*Braces for impact* lolz
Ok really im seriously done here now. For realz
But we are talking about an offensive tool that MUST be used to be competitive.
Healing and curing isn't exactly comparable. Any d&d based type game is going to have healing, and buffs. But we are talking about an offensive tool that MUST be used to be competitive. That sounds like a broken system imo.
But hey perhaps I'm just bothered by it as I main an Archer. I gotta tie up 200 skill points to effectively use my weapon. And how grand it must be to not have to stop and toss potions.
Again I'm not saying we should nerf or get rid of purple pots. Just that it shouldn't be a must use mechanic.
the only thing i can suggest..and im not too good at pvp either...but at least have parry have chance to block them...
doesnt benefit me at all, i dont have one char with parry...just trying to be open minded
I could really give two shits about that PvP tho. It doesnt look fun at all and its just a e-peen shit show.
Then the tools of the forums chime in with all the obvious common sense methods to avoid that shit. Those methods arent working very good anymore hence why i made a post.
1 Exp Pot = 1 GHeal PotIf purple pots are the counter to running, what's the counter to purple pots? Throwing them yourselves isn't a counter.
What.did.you.smoke? #gimmesomeBut sometimes comes the rare moment you die and don't understand why. You see a red name and the next moment you are dead in 1-2 seconds. A PK showed up many tiles away and within one second he is standing next to you and you are dead.
That's an issue, not pot throwing dexxers or mages. Sometimes that kind of cheat client doesn't work and that player is standing next to you and is doing nothing. You can kill him with you noob dagger. I think his 3rd party cheat tools crashed.
Cheating is for cowards, everything else is just a sharp learning curve.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh I'm not good at something so the system must be broken.
You remind me of this guy..
1 Exp Pot = 1gheal pot
jesus really? lol
I also bet my play time pales in comparison to yurs. Because i actually do have a life outside UO and the internet. Man all i can do is shake my head. You guys are all the same. So sad
Because i actually do have a life outside UO and the internet.