WTS Repond SlayerBook


Ooo very very nice.

It could be better. I've got five slayer, but almost no use for them. Fey? Only for Lord of the Oaks and this karma wasting battle at Wrong. Or if you are in a faction and up for collecting silver from wisp.
Lizard Men? I really don't know, but Girana told me Lizard Men are mostly killed with one hit. Nobody needs a slayer spellbook for them. I tried to sell this one, nobody wants it.

I tried Orc Slayer, because Orcish Mine Over Seer will charge my stone. Flamestrike is doing 90-120 damage on Orcs. For an Mine Over Seer I need to hit him 4-5 times with flamestrike. That means I've to meditate up to three times.
Ogre Trashing is only good for Orge Lords, but you will have the same problem, you need to meditate a lot. Without talisman it's almost no real use for this one.
I would like to craft an exocism or repond would nice for Abyss and Despise Champ. Silver would be awesome. It's like crafting slayer weapons. The most of time you will get trash, like elemental health or summer wind. ;)


Ogre Trashing is only good for Orge Lords, but you will have the same problem, you need to meditate a lot. Without talisman it's almost no real use for this one.

if you got some lvl on your tali + shadow disciple relic and spirit speak its get better ;)


Considering the crafting costs, if a book typically sells for 20k and under, making them would be cost inefficient. You can't smelt them for crafting materials like smithing and at 88 gold roughly per crafting attempt, you can make a crapload without a slayer and just come out at a deficit. What I've seen so far is around 30-75gp per charge on super slayers and motm, 25-50g per charge on useful (meta training) books, and 10-20g per charge on the low end stuff.

I can do the math. Orcish Slayer Spellbook with say 900 charges.
Say you'll need 750 to 1000 empty scrolls to craft one. It's around 3-4K gp, no need for spells, no bless deed.

What will a stone charging and still leveling mage get? Target: Orcish Mine Over Seer
You'll need 4-5 flamestrikes to kill one OMOS (and stay close to charge your stone).
That means you will burn the book thru 180-225 OMOS (and definitly charge your stone).
Beneath rares and slayers you get from OMOS you will make around 90K up to 168.750 gp max ;).

My personal opinion, you can sell a super slayer spellbook like repond, exorcism, silver, reptilian death etc. for 45-60K.


Call me unlucky, but after 25k scrolls used I haven't gotten one repond, exorcism or elemental. I feel the semi-slayers are gunna be much better value for meta mages looking to train exp. If you intend on using slayer books without a meta mage you are kind of missing the point, charging your stone is just the very small beginning to months of work. Btw unless you have a maxed or high trained shadow relic I wouldn't recommend using flamestrikes, ebolt is the best option.


Call me unlucky, but after 25k scrolls used I haven't gotten one repond, exorcism or elemental. I feel the semi-slayers are gunna be much better value for meta mages looking to train exp. If you intend on using slayer books without a meta mage you are kind of missing the point, charging your stone is just the very small beginning to months of work. Btw unless you have a maxed or high trained shadow relic I wouldn't recommend using flamestrikes, ebolt is the best option.

Depends on the mobs your hunting. What will a meta mage get from shadow relic and talisman? Faster mana gain with meditation? Lesser mana need?
Ebolt isn't always the better choice. If I hunt Orcish Mine Overseer I need to use flamestrike against them, because I only get 30-50 damage with ebolt but 90-123 (actually my highest dmg) with flamestrike. With Orcish slayer equiped I'll need two ebolt to do the same damage like one flamestrike. Ebolt needs 20 mana, flamestrike 40 mana. But if I use ebolt I will waste 2 charges of my slayer book to get the same damage with the same amount of mana if I use one charge of flamestrike.

Funny fact, Orc Lords will get up to 90 dmg with ebolt... but not the OMOS.

Finally I can make 36K of damage points with my 900 charges orcish slayer book using ebolt or I can make around 90K of damage points using flamestrike. I've got 7 charges in my blazing stone. Using flamestrike on OMOS with orcish slayer spellbook or on drakes with dragon slaying or reptilian death spellbook or on deep earth elementals with earth shatter is the fastes way to get your talisman. :)


Is there a reason you hunt orcs? Good for meta gain?

Not for meta gain, to charge my blazing stone with 100 evil monster souls. Orc Mine Overseer, Brute and Leader don't cast spells, are midrange slow and will charge my stone. I think it's the fastest way to charge your stone without trouble. Drakes in Destard will do same or Deep Earth Elemental in Shame level 3. Ancient lichs and elder dragon will charge your stone too. But seriously, only my dexxer can handle them at the moment.


Ah cool. I'm not sure what a blazing stone is! I'll read about it

I think the name is changing with the charges, the color/colour too.
It's the stone for the meta talisman quest. First you need to charge it with 30 vanqs, then with 100 evil souls and finally with the blood of the arch demon in wrong. The vanqs you can buy, but the souls will be annoying because only higher level mobs will charge. The meta talisman will level with every mob.


Depends on the mobs your hunting. What will a meta mage get from shadow relic and talisman? Faster mana gain with meditation? Lesser mana need?
Ebolt isn't always the better choice. If I hunt Orcish Mine Overseer I need to use flamestrike against them, because I only get 30-50 damage with ebolt but 90-123 (actually my highest dmg) with flamestrike. With Orcish slayer equiped I'll need two ebolt to do the same damage like one flamestrike. Ebolt needs 20 mana, flamestrike 40 mana. But if I use ebolt I will waste 2 charges of my slayer book to get the same damage with the same amount of mana if I use one charge of flamestrike.

Funny fact, Orc Lords will get up to 90 dmg with ebolt... but not the OMOS.

Finally I can make 36K of damage points with my 900 charges orcish slayer book using ebolt or I can make around 90K of damage points using flamestrike. I've got 7 charges in my blazing stone. Using flamestrike on OMOS with orcish slayer spellbook or on drakes with dragon slaying or reptilian death spellbook or on deep earth elementals with earth shatter is the fastes way to get your talisman. :)

With shadow disciple, you can potentially gain back nearly an entire mana bar as long as you do enough damage, so it does work well with flamestrike. Trust me, after using 1.5-2mil in ebolt regs as well as countless flamestrikes - ebolt will be the most mana effective overall, especially when you don't have to meditate to 40 every time you want to cast another flamestrike as well as giving you a higher % chance at proccing a shadow disciple, but yes you're right flamestrikes will be better to save the charges on your books for the sake of working on your stone, however it may be too slow paced for some people

By the time you are done with a slayer book, the gold you make hunting pays for the regs and charges plus much more, as long as you're looting and fighting the proper mobs.
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