Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

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Okay fine cowboy, lets ride

Been called a psychopath in a polite way is arguably the best insult on the thread thus far; and yet still falls flat of the other highlights --- between being told 'how to play' and on numerous questions having to deal with quite possibly the poorest readers. that said; I'd hope to one day be truly educated, but this isn't the thread for that. It was about a stam change, not my personal history.

I don't care how you play, nor am a poor reader
. I don't know you I tried following what you are saying I had a hard time inbetween how poorly you treat your fellow player. You are damn near toxic, you can be right without being a meer asshole in the process. I am not saying are right though.

A huge problem I have with crowd sourcing is dealing with most of the personal attacks that stem from it, and I knew that before, and actually why I waited to post knowing it was going to be a shit-storm of personal attacks on who I am as a person, followed up with at least half a dozen dead end points and mini-skirmishes.

Well lets be honest, "huge"? Really, do you think you are alone with getting called names and personal attacks? Hell my name is GimpCent I didn't pick that, I wear it as a honor now. Name calling is normally the product of people that are wrong, if you aren't wrong you don't even need to go there. If you are right its normally pretty easy to make the case. Fact are facts no name calling will change that.

In all fairness, this is the internet, I saw something I felt was wrong, I was told to make a post. I did.

Completely pointless sentence, who cares if its the internet... that is not a factor in what I said or in how you should treat your fellow man. Even if folks agreed with you they won't publicly because of the way you act towards them and the community in general. If you have the answers act like it, don't act like a angery child swinging at anyone that disagrees.


I followed orders to it, how you judge me, shows them how you judge (at large).

No one ordered you to do anything, and I didn't judge you, stop being so defesenive. I just said you would say alot more if you were nicer to those that may disagree with you. You won't win over anyone by acting like a fool, you shoot yourself in the foot. You have to know this at your age by now.

I really don't care how any of you feel about me on a personal level. I expected to suffer the wrath of the forum pitbulls, which is something any/all forums have. Which btw is probably why nobody cares to bother heading here *cough* assholes *cough*.

"suffer the wrath" Really? Such dramatic words....

We aren't out to get you, there is no pitbulls waiting to bite you.
. If any/all forums have them why would that be a factor in nobody heading here? I am new here so I find you saying that odd. I mean that doesn't even make logical sense. Think about it. You have the right intentions but the way you go about it is damn near the worse way possible. You add nothing to our community by acting in such a fashion. If anything its people like you that keep people from moving here or there or anywhere. Right or wrong who cares when you run around the forums acting like George Bush.

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The problem with dexxers in this shard is more deeper than just the stamina.
When the 95% of the pvp'ers are mages it is because a good reason and we can't say it is balanced for open pvp.
I can agree that 1v1 tournaments might be balanced (mage vs dexxer) but in what concerns open world PvP It does not.

Some of the PvP features should be reworked, one of them for buffing dexxers and another for nerfing dexxers, mages are OK as they are.
The problem between a mage and a dexxer is that you need a fast weapon and poison, every time you poison the enemy, he can drink cure pots without delay. Remember that fast swing weapons usually deals less damage than long swing weapons, that means that when the mage need to scape, he can run. The problem comes here, when running, the chances to hit are reduced because melee damage need to be at 1 square distance, and weapons do not hit enough damage.

I think the rework should go for reducing swing speed and slightly increasing weapon damage , specially on polearms. That will make Hit and run more valuable. Plus, when a dexxer drinks a heal or cure pot, if bandaging timer was applied it should be interrumped, that will make timing more important (drink a pot after bandages are applied)


dexxers suck here dude. stun punch and explo potion is overpowered and weapon damage is so low.

"so why did many people hate my suggestion?" u may ask. answer is simple.
majority plays mages here. they dont want what they are playing to be nerfed.

a dexxer also has to waste like 20-30k everytime he dies. while mage only loses 3-4k(coz of potions)

also there is this weird assumption that mage should be equal to dexxer at 1v1. dexxer is already weak in group fights though...

well its not worth arguing really. nothing will change. but a change should be done to stamina affecting weapon speed and everything reducing stamina. constantly chugging refresh pots isnt fun.

Radar Mile

dexxers suck here dude. stun punch and explo potion is overpowered and weapon damage is so low.

"so why did many people hate my suggestion?" u may ask. answer is simple.
majority plays mages here. they dont want what they are playing to be nerfed.

a dexxer also has to waste like 20-30k everytime he dies. while mage only loses 3-4k(coz of potions)

also there is this weird assumption that mage should be equal to dexxer at 1v1. dexxer is already weak in group fights though...

well its not worth arguing really. nothing will change. but a change should be done to stamina affecting weapon speed and everything reducing stamina. constantly chugging refresh pots isnt fun.

I think people play mages because they're just better for group combat. It has to do with RNG. As long as everyone in the group targets the same person they are going to take massive damage. With a group of dexxers, you're lucky for half of the swings to even land a hit, not to mention they aren't going to be in sync. And all it takes is one other mage spamming cross-heals until the target can get out of melee distance. But that's how it should be. A mixed group of dexxers/mages is tougher to fight than a group of pure mages though, in my experience.

I agree that a dexxer should be the obvious favorite in 1v1 as long as he knows what he's doing and is geared properly. Dexxers definitely carry more valuable stuff. The only reason I loot mages most of the time is to make sure they can't jump right back into the fight.

That said, I think the 1v1 setting is balanced. As I said before I don't have any complaints about how my dexxers fare in 1v1 against mages on the field.... except that there's no mount stamina loss. Literally chasing people from Trinsic to Yew to Skara Brae just to watch them run into their house is fucking ridiculous.


I'm going to bump this...

The stamina drain on non macing weps...and especially spells is pretty intense. I can't recall a time on OSI or any other server I've played on where a Flamestrike drains 40 stamina.

Is there any chance to change this, at least in PvM? For those of us that like to farm with a melee character this is rough.


i get pkd by more dexxers than i do mages

This thread is not whether or not Dexers are underpowered it is/should have been about the excessive stam loss

My comment was mostly aimed at no point do I think dexers are underpowered. I think the stam drain on spells and non macing hits is excessive and a feature pretty much exclusive here on UOF.


as far as falsely representing a gm, lol.

it's an issue of public opinion on whether or not stamina should be linked to hp; case and example can be observed even in pve; when you reach a critical amount of life loss, you are effectively stamina-less, go hunting without total refresh potions.

if you find that acceptable,and or normal in comparison to your UO:R experience, you're full of it :)

as far stamina drain on maces, something that came in with IPY; and probably the same reason it's still readily available in the code today.

as far as a 3 day ban, i was banned from the first week until now --- I sincerely couldn't careless if i took another one actually trying to improve this server.

as i have already lost 4 prime house spots (particularly the one spot in moonglow in between the town and gate) and about 600k in spell book deletions.

so, 3 day ban, please, i'd applaud a permanent ban again merely since the changes here are minimal to any other shard out there, in particular uoforever.

the pvp is the same script kiddies on both servers with purple potions so :p go for it sport!
dude this is not correct lol

stam loss on maces has been around forever, yes, even back when you claimed to have played on OSI.

Carry stam pots. You expect to compete without preparing your character? Come on dude.

My dexxer is by far my strongest character. Carry bandaids, potions, and magery and you're literally un-killable 1v1. Mages can't meditate when they're running away..


dexxers suck here dude. stun punch and explo potion is overpowered and weapon damage is so low.

"so why did many people hate my suggestion?" u may ask. answer is simple.
majority plays mages here. they dont want what they are playing to be nerfed.

a dexxer also has to waste like 20-30k everytime he dies. while mage only loses 3-4k(coz of potions)

also there is this weird assumption that mage should be equal to dexxer at 1v1. dexxer is already weak in group fights though...

well its not worth arguing really. nothing will change. but a change should be done to stamina affecting weapon speed and everything reducing stamina. constantly chugging refresh pots isnt fun.
20-30k? are you just carrying rares in your backpack to make a point or something?


Anyone who claims dexxers suck. Please take ur mage and fight against Marley, Variantes or Heli. I'd love to see how badly those dexxers sucks on UOF. Some of those POWER dexxers and other faction dexxers do pretty fine.

Basically the game has evolved a lot. I'm not only talking about dexxers.
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I am all for less stamina loss on dexxer's in PvM. I think it is fine as is for PvP though. But if you PvM a lot with a dexxer you have to drink a shit load of red potions constantly and its pretty annoying.


I am all for less stamina loss on dexxer's in PvM. I think it is fine as is for PvP though. But if you PvM a lot with a dexxer you have to drink a shit load of red potions constantly and its pretty annoying.

Yeah this is my main beef. I don't think many people PvM on a non-archer Dexxer and don't realize how ridurious this really is. I can take hits just fine from ogre lord paragons with my GM parry, but the stam drain from this or a simple flamestrike from a gazer taking half my stam is a pain.
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