if captun australia wants to be unbanned he can be "apologetic" to whoever he pissed off?
him being "apologetic" to a forum troll and having them post this stupid thread doesn't make any sense. What motivated you to throw yourself into his drama? so you had this deep conversation with him but don't even know what he said to get banned?
What motives anyone to do anything? Sometimes, we just act upon impulse, do things without regarding consequence, be it good or bad. Today was just one of those days where I saw him at Britain bank and decided to have a chat for the first time in months. Whatever he said or has done did not not concern me at the time and still doesn't, my way of thinking was simply; if I can spend hours helping a new player make a thief, or show a player some town they thought never existed in Ultima Online, then why can't I spend fifteen minutes of my time helping a vet? Is it my place to do that? Does it really matter if it is my place?
I saw an opportunity to do something good by myself, maybe you should try the same sometime instead of jumping into this thread trying to make it look as bad as possible. Same old thing happening time and time again.
You needn't worry either, it wont be long