Provo While Hide


Hi im newbie in this server when i was checking it i can use provo while i was hide i cant use it :( any idea ? i mean i dont have RS so im pretty screwed in destard so i what i need to do ?


It used to be that way but I think I saw another post that you can no longer hide without breaking provocation.

Unsure if the change was intentional or not.


what i do is i hide first, then provo mobs,then move back a bit where it will allow to to hide again.


I made this same post a few weeks ago, because my bard was hiding and provoke was breaking. I learned that in order to provoke higher level stuff, and monsters in dungeons, you need a certain level of 65 hide it was breaking provoke. At 95+ that wasn't the case. I am not sure what the threshold is, but you are gonna need to raise your hide if its not working.

You provoke mobs, then have to hide without getting out of provoke range.


Yes a while back there was a thread where people were trying to call me out on lying because I said casting invis was not breaking my provo.
Here's the video I used as evidence:

What we ended up learning was that having GM hiding (or maybe less, I had gm) somehow gives you the ability to cast invis on yourself and not break provo. Extremely useful in positioning yourself and taking large camps. I can't tell you whether they patched this out, as my provo does not have hiding anymore.

Even though you need the hiding skill to make invis useful, Casting invis on yourself is better than using the hiding spell imo. Because if you are using hiding, then you are not able to use the provo skill because of the skill cooldown. Especially in a place like destard where there are lots of mobs, you really need to be using provo skill as soon as it gets off of cooldown. If you need to hide to get stuff off of your back for a second, just cast invis on yourself. Then continue provo-ing stuff, and then cast invis on yourself.

Lady Macbeth

115 provo and GM hiding. I provo, then tab out war mode and then hide. If still at skill cool down period then cast invis on myself and then wait 10 sec and hide again. This way provo never broke.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk


what i do is i hide first, then provo mobs,then move back a bit where it will allow to to hide again.

Just a tip here: You don't have to move at all, just tab in and out of war mode and the targets will be cleared, allowing you to hide (after you provo, of course).
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Just a tip here: You don't have to move at all, just tab in and out of war mode and the targets will be cleared, allowing you to hide (after you provo, of course).
I have never once used tab on my provo/mage, how are you guys even getting into combat?

After reading this post I can see why so many bards are terrible! Seems people just go out and buy PS and don't even know the basics.