Phoenix/Ranger Armor Question


read through some old posts - they were mostly flames - looking for a modern answer - are these armors repairable? Thanks


read through some old posts - they were mostly flames - looking for a modern answer - are these armors repairable? Thanks

As far as I know, they are unbreakable, so there is no need to repair. I have both sets and have farmed wearing them. Their durability has never dropped for me. I did hear that they can be damaged by macers in pvp but haven't tested it, nor do I plan to. From what I hear, faction blessed weapons can't be repaired and need the powder of fortificaition to keep it from breaking. So I think it would work similarly with the phoenix and ranger armors if they can be damaged. All I know for sure is for PvM, they won't lose durability.


around 800k for phoenix, 1+m for ranger

Phoenix is better value for your money if you intend to use it and not banksit
cheers @lollo if I ever pick up a set it will be used on my provo dexxer for farming purposes. Would not be using that in PvP lol may as well sit here and set fire to £20 notes

Yoko Kurama

Yes, it can be imbued.
I saw a young player in full ranger armor, and a vanq repond axe, and I let staff know...just saw the fucker again today. 27 hours later, still young, still farming ettins. Haha,