Parrying worth it for fighter?


I'm kinda new to this game (played a little many years ago). My question is if it's worth having parrying on a fighter for PvM? Feels kinda weak atm when I do lower level dungeons. Maybe it gets better at gm?


I've seen a parry warrior take down a paragon pyroclastic elemental, I think it dropped 2500 gold.
If you can get slayer armor you can muscle down some pretty big targets. I think shields just stop 30% of incoming dmg which helps against mobs that hit for 60ish.
If you plan to pvm with a dexxer i'd use a shield.


Is it big difference in damage if you take Swordsmanship, mace or fencing for PvM?

Not really, maces do take stamina from mobs so that can be nice. Fencing is probably most popular so that means fencing weapons are harder to find.