For sale I have one of the best houses in the game.
A castle that is not only on grass with no blockage at all or spawn but there is also no houses within a few screens, completely isolated in the woods just outside of Vesper! Definitely one of the best castle spots in the game. The faint of heart and poor need not apply.
Will accept gold or donation coins. PM me with any other offers. Bidding starts at 14 mil. No buy-out set yet, PM me if interested.
The value of this house will only go up with the more people that join the server.
Good luck and happy bidding folks
A castle that is not only on grass with no blockage at all or spawn but there is also no houses within a few screens, completely isolated in the woods just outside of Vesper! Definitely one of the best castle spots in the game. The faint of heart and poor need not apply.
Will accept gold or donation coins. PM me with any other offers. Bidding starts at 14 mil. No buy-out set yet, PM me if interested.
The value of this house will only go up with the more people that join the server.

Good luck and happy bidding folks