Not getting Murder Prompt when killed by PK?

So I noticed the past few days when I leave my character in a Dungeon or by an IDOC hidden when I come back my character will be dead however there isn't a prompt to give a murder count to the PK who killed me?

I know it's a person because I check my Journal and I see a player either casting on me or attacking.

Is anybody else experiencing this or is it a known bug?

Just curious, it's happened about 5 times so far so it's confusing me as to why I'm not getting the option to give a murder count.

And no when I'm at the IDOC I'm no where near the house so I can't be grey to the owner/co-owner/friends and when I'm macroing in the dungeon I'm not grey or doing anything that would make me grey.


This may sound weird, but this has happened to me on multiple occasions and not while on my thief.

Not that I care because I don't give counts anyways, it would be nice to know who killed you..