Mining Competition!


I believe a mining competition is in order, I have yet to see an event like this in all my years of uo, and this could be the first shard to do it.

The following is just an example layout; definately up for debate.

I suggest a 'first to 1000 ingots' style competition.
After much thought I realized that player hosting would be nearly impossible, but an instanced event type game would make it possible. It could already be played in existing maps (my suggestion would be orc mine final lvl, next to brutes)

You could run it multiple ways as well,
-Most all require just the center forge
-Clear the creatures from the level and everyone runs free (everyone uses their own char)
-Keep the creatures (althought lowering levels) and provide a starting orc mask, and allow pregen chars with mining (thus pvp event)
-Starting ingots should be 30, and a tinker kit; therefore you can tinker and smelt to get a stockpile of shovels, and determine which is the most efficient route to 1k.
-Cap player entry at 25, run multiple events?

I believe it should be a point based system

1st place 10 points
2nd 5
3rd 3 etc.

These points would be used to redeem certain rewards, off the top of my head:
Crafting Skill Scrolls, unique decorations, unique clothing, in essence an addition to the crafter toon, and foremost another reason to actually play the char after you are 5x


I'll edit any additonal idea's would be good fun as a daily.


This is quite similar to the zombie event from Halloween. Not sure you can get enough interest to do daily though.