Meta Steeds!

hard? its not hard.. only thing that is hard is to not get burned out..

its plain and boring to watch it attack a 300hp mob for 3 minutes and then have to follow it around through half the map when the mob goes 10% hp and starts to run away..

I find it extremely difficult to keep a firm grasp on my sanity while leveling meta pets.


I find it extremely difficult to keep a firm grasp on my sanity while leveling meta pets.

thats exactly what i'm saying.. metapets should be usable for regular farming.. at least u're getting some gold and get some action from pk raids.. how they are now, u just do nothing else but suffer until it evolves and becomes usable eventually..
Gonna need the relic sooner or later, might as well start leveling it now.

The fact of the matter is I don't care about rare items or looking cool, so I have nothing else to spend money on.

Easy Erin

How many hours have you guys spent training these? Or should I rephrase and say how many hours of sleep and work have you not had/done.

Cra cra


first night egg came out: 24 hours from stages 1-3
stopped since no meta stone to tell how fast im going, if im wasting time on mobs, etc......


Screw you and your new avatar Fattson! I thought our beloved Russian monkey was back! Then I noticed how I could actually understand the posts... And my heart was broken.

Would it make you feel better if I start bumping the fatts vendor house thread multiple times a day and I start calling hunter a homosexual and then saying that I didn't call him a homosexual?