Meta pet paranoia


Am i the only one that sometimes freaks out wondering if i left my meta unstabled???

I mean, I think it's stupid that a 25+ million pet will lose loyalty and go wild (egg in this case) in the same time as a trash 2.5k dragon?

I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to trap it or whatever, but couldn't we have more time before it goes wild? like 48h?

This would change absolutely nothing for the people who trap it (they could get ransom or egg anyways) and would make life much better for the meta pet owners.

Shit if the devs want my cash then so be it, make it that after 12h it starts to drain a pet ball charge every 6 hours or some shit like that.

I know i'd quit if I lost my meta over some stupid thing like this, and i see absolutely no reason why this should not be changed.

TL;DR: meta pets should take much longer to go wild. Trappers would get what they want anyways, owners wouldn't have to go paranoid


everytime i logout i double check my pet counts and sometimes i even log back in game to be sure about it if i have a doubt...

our friend lost his meta for this reason (was balled and he was sure that was stabled)... really boring :(


yeah i always do the same and lately i've been casting an energy vortex before logging just to be REALLY sure i didn't have 5 control slots full lol.

One time i was already in bed and i had to turn my laptop back on cause i was paranoid.

There is just so much shit that can go wrong, reverts, crashes etc...why not just make it 48h before it goes wild?? As i said, it wouldn't change anything for people who steal and trap pets


I can't speak for anyone else but I know if my meta went wild - I would quit.

It's been almost a year since I've got my meta and I have QS, Bloody, Molten. I haven't power levelled it and it's been a grind over time but to throw away almost a year of work because it wasn't stabled would likely be my last day.


This is the price you pay for having an overpowered poke dragon.

no, the price you pay is over 50 million gold (assuming steed & dragon).

(I did the math for fun)
  • Dragon Egg: 600,000
  • Stone: 3,000,000
  • Ball: 200,000
  • Molten: 6,000,000
  • Nox: 2,000,000
  • Bloody: 6,000,000
  • QS: 8,000,000
  • Steed Egg: 4,000,000
  • Stone: 3,000,000
  • Ball: 200,000
  • Paralytic: 1,000,000
  • Bloody: 6,000,000
  • Gold: 400,000
  • 105 Taming: 20,000
  • 110 Taming: 50,000
  • 115 Taming: 200,000
  • 120 Taming: 8,000,000
  • 105 Lore: 20,000
  • 110 Lore: 50,000
  • 115 Lore: 150,000
  • 120 Lore: 2,000,000
  • Taming SS x5: 1,250,000
Total: 52,140,000
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Im case of a revert, all pets should be stabled upon reboot. No one should have to worry, meta or regular pet owners.


Im case of a revert, all pets should be stabled upon reboot. No one should have to worry, meta or regular pet owners.

This does happen now I believe but the OP is asking just for the wild status to be increased. That way if you did make a stable mistake you could still recover your meta the next day or so.

Lord Hampton Royce

no, the price you pay is over 50 million gold (assuming steed & dragon).

(I did the math for fun)
  • Dragon Egg: 600,000
  • Stone: 3,000,000
  • Ball: 200,000
  • Molten: 6,000,000
  • Nox: 2,000,000
  • Bloody: 6,000,000
  • QS: 8,000,000
  • Steed Egg: 4,000,000
  • Stone: 3,000,000
  • Ball: 200,000
  • Paralytic: 1,000,000
  • Bloody: 6,000,000
  • Gold: 400,000
  • 105 Taming: 20,000
  • 110 Taming: 50,000
  • 115 Taming: 200,000
  • 120 Taming: 8,000,000
  • 105 Lore: 20,000
  • 110 Lore: 50,000
  • 115 Lore: 150,000
  • 120 Lore: 2,000,000
  • Taming SS x5: 1,250,000
Total: 52,140,000

i put about 50mil into my tamer, and that doesnt even count a meta steed :(

Lord Hampton Royce

Am i the only one that sometimes freaks out wondering if i left my meta unstabled???

I mean, I think it's stupid that a 25+ million pet will lose loyalty and go wild (egg in this case) in the same time as a trash 2.5k dragon?

I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to trap it or whatever, but couldn't we have more time before it goes wild? like 48h?

This would change absolutely nothing for the people who trap it (they could get ransom or egg anyways) and would make life much better for the meta pet owners.

Shit if the devs want my cash then so be it, make it that after 12h it starts to drain a pet ball charge every 6 hours or some shit like that.

I know i'd quit if I lost my meta over some stupid thing like this, and i see absolutely no reason why this should not be changed.

TL;DR: meta pets should take much longer to go wild. Trappers would get what they want anyways, owners wouldn't have to go paranoid

if only you knew how many times i laid awake in the middle of the night wondering if my drunken self stabled my meta or not.

the struggle is real.


i put about 50mil into my tamer, and that doesnt even count a meta steed :(


I put 15m + let's say an additional mil just for fun into my 120 tamer and meta with all four damage relics. Scrolls and all. Had plenty of good times doing it too.

You simply donated for yours.

I don't normally do this...but this is when I tell a person that they are playing UO wrong.

RIP tech.


To be fair, donating for your meta helps the server more then just farming. No issues with that IMO.