How many would still play UOF if Trammel Mechanics were removed?

How many would still play UOF If Trammel Mechanics were removed

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Think the server is what it is today "because" it has the things it does, taking things away and adding things the majority of people don't want is something UOG did and look how that turned out in the end. Shane told me about something they had that i thought was pretty cool that involved t2a mechanics but he's right t2a's era Servers die out quick. UOS was an exception for while but even it died out. UOG and UOF were and are the most successful servers to date because they are renaissance era, it's what the majority likes and wants.
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Soul Mate

Depends on how far back. But I would love to play with those rules again. Hell, I would sign up just not to have to see neon matching outfits and meta pets !
Thank you Karl, normally I think you are full.of it but those fucking blinding stupid colors ugh just so repulsive to me...I always loved hero/ evil.hue but that was the extent...and ******** sunglasses really......

You know way back on SP reds could come into town...and as long as they did not attack others not much happened.


I kinda wish reds had to bank at bucs. Cuz that place should always be poppin with a bunch of cutthroats like us roamin around


The only thing that I think is necessary would be the removal of safe zones. Safe zones really do take away the heart of what UO is really about or perhaps add timers where you are only safe for a small amount of time before you become open to all manner of scoundrelous acts. I understand fully that making Brit bank roof safe makes the server look busier but Trammel in pockets is still Trammel.


The only thing that I think is necessary would be the removal of safe zones. Safe zones really do take away the heart of what UO is really about or perhaps add timers where you are only safe for a small amount of time before you become open to all manner of scoundrelous acts. I understand fully that making Brit bank roof safe makes the server look busier but Trammel in pockets is still Trammel.

Agreed. I really hate safe zones and the NPC super x-ray vision. People should be able to attack and steal in town without getting every NPC within 10 screens calling guards on them instantly. If someone's stealing from you, by all means guard whack them, but it has to be the player that does it. The only truly safe place should be your bankbox, everything else is fair game.


Ok @Lkarn I won't break down what i said about my stealth archer class again. But what I will say is good job, keep on bragging about Exploiting the YOUNG status to farm MOTM. Some of us abuse the fuck out of young status. And some of us are a little more old school and self renounce that shit. Thanks for clarifying where you stand.


English is not my native language but im pretty sure i didn't brag in any of my posts.
You are funny man, I wish i was oldschool like you =)

cu ingame.


The only thing that I think is necessary would be the removal of safe zones. Safe zones really do take away the heart of what UO is really about or perhaps add timers where you are only safe for a small amount of time before you become open to all manner of scoundrelous acts. I understand fully that making Brit bank roof safe makes the server look busier but Trammel in pockets is still Trammel.
